Chapter 16: Changing Views

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"It's alright, Alfred. I'll handle it." Bruce nodded for me to follow him to the main entrance and dismissed Alfred to the Batcave to help Nightwing. "What do you think he wants?"

I frowned and watched his feet bounce over the steps of the grand staircase. "I have no idea."

We had reached the door. I could already feel Justin's presence on the other side of it. We both took an identical breath, then he opened it with a closed smile.

Justin raised his eyebrows and plastered on a wide smile for us. "Hello!" He shot his hand out to Bruce for an excited handshake, there was a disappointed glint in his eyes when they flashed to me, and I realized that I wasn't even pretending to be a little glad. "Hello, Krystal."

"Hi, umm--"

He glanced between Bruce and I with an awkward baring of his teeth. "It's alright, you can call me Justin." He turned his attentions to Bruce again and kept shaking his hand. "Justin Hayden. I'm pleased to finally meet you, Bruce Wayne."

Bruce gave him a charming colgate smile. "I wish I could say the same, but I have no idea why I would get a visit from a man named Justin Hayden."

Bruce was either very liked, or very disliked, there was no middle ground. Justin had already decided that he hated him. He hated him for his aloof attitude cushioned by a luxurious life, his unashamed acceptance for false praise with no return, and, most of all, for taking me away from him.

He straightened his back and flashed cold hazel eyes in my direction. "I'm certain you know of your... daughter's past."

Bruce glanced at me with a shrug. "We don't talk about it much." That was actually the most honest answer he could have given. We didn't about it. Ever. Still, Justin didn't seem to believe him, Bruce's act was blinding him with disdain.

"Well, I--" He cleared his throat to take on a more confident tone. "I was Karla's late husband, Krys--"

"You were Karla's husband! So you raised Krystal in the early part of her life!" Bruce exclaimed with the perfect picture of shock. I almost wanted to roll my eyes, but I nodded to confirm his discovery when he twisted to me with saucer eyes. "Please, come in!"

Justin stepped into the foyer and followed us to the reception room. I caught him looking around the mansion, not in awe, but for weak points, to break in later. I didn't care for this manor, at least, I thought I didn't. I was pitched into a horrible fit when I caught those sneaky hazel eyes plotting against this place. Bruce saw it too, but he pretended not to be bothered by it and took up a characteristic gloat.

"It's magnificent, isn't it?" He grinned. "It's not really my style, but my parents adored it."

"So, you built an exact replica after it was burned down?"

Bruce's lips stretched into a very thin smile. He grabbed two glasses and an expensive bottle of aged wine from a mini bar. "Exactly, with a few modern modifications to suit myself. Care for a drink?"

"No, thank you." Justin's eyes rested on me with tenderness. "This is quite a step up from what we had in Chicago. You adjusted well?"

"It wasn't easy." I glanced at Bruce behind Justin. He blinked and titled his head to let me know that it was okay to be honest. "I had a lot to get used to, after everything. But, I think I'm finally starting to settle in." I smiled, and it was genuine. I wasn't as good an actress as Bruce, probably because I hadn't been playing with alter egos nearly as long as he had, but I didn't need to put on a show for my feelings about my predicament.

Bruce's matching onyx eyes glowed and a pleased disposition entered him as he put the glasses away. A maid came in and rushed to take over the job.

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