Chapter 15: Open Doors

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"You knew." I got into the passenger seat of the Mercedes Benz and gave him a lopsided frown.

He met me with sad blue eyes. "Bruce told me last night."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"For the same reason that you wouldn't say anything if my parents happened to be alive."

I was about to argue that I would, but he started the car and drove in a way that prompted me to hear him out.

"Deny it, if you want, but I know you would be conflicted on the other end of this. You'd be afraid that I'd leave to be with them, you'd be afraid of what that could do to me emotionally, and you wouldn't know if it's your place to say anything. Bruce is in charge, it should be him. But, you have a weird ability to floor him every chance you get without trying."

"So he was just going to pretend nothing had happened?"

"No, he did the opposite. Investigating your old step-dad became his priority. I came in to take over Flash's case, not to assist."

I couldn't think of anything to say. I kept looking at him, hoping to get some kind of answers to some kind of question, but I didn't even know what I wanted to ask anymore.

"He was going to tell you today." Dick turned the car and followed a road that shot straight for the manor.

When I still didn't talk he glanced at me with concern. "Are you okay?"

I wanted to say that I was fine, but I didn't want to lie like Justin had been doing for so long. I shook my head. "No, I've been holding on to a lie. I told Bruce he could never be James, but James was never real."

"Look at the bright side." He attempted a small smile for me. "James may have been your idea of a father, but your real father has always been Bruce and no one can take away that you are half of him. I mean, he's my dad too, but let's be honest, it's adoptive, it's only on papers. For you, it's the real deal, you can never escape him... which can be a good and bad thing." He chuckled lightly. "I'd hate to be on your boat."

I managed a smile. "I don't think I mind it so much anymore."

His eyes softened and he looked at me with sparkling blue eyes. "I'm glad for that. Maybe you should let Bruce know, too?"

I nodded.

"Good. You two need to talk this whole mess out."

"If I can get him to talk."

He scoffed and glanced at me in disbelief. "You're just as bad as he is."

"Am not!"

"Yes, you are."

"No, I'm not."

He shook his head with a laugh. "I'm not going to argue with you about this. Believe whatever you want." 

He had parked in the manor's carport and we snuck around into the batcave. If we went through any of the doors it would defeat the purpose of trying to sneak in. Despite not agreeing with my methods, Dick didn't want to see me in more trouble than I was already in, so he had my back, on the condition that I would confess everything.

He stiffened at the door behind the grandfather clock and I knew we were caught.

"Hey, Bruce." He scooted aside so that I could squeeze out and quietly cover the entrance. "How long have you been home for?"

He'd been home for awhile, waiting for us. He'd changed out of his business suit and wore a custom made grey robe, hand sewn out of Chinese silk with a powerful gold W threaded on his left side.

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