Chapter 32: The Fall of Fear

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I dropped a smoke bomb to the floor. It obscured me and Robin from the goons wanting to shoot us, of course as soon as they saw the smoke they became trigger happy. But we were too fast.

Robin flipped behind them onto the ramp they were on. He kicked a couple onto the floor where I promptly intercepted them. Then he grabbed Michelle and twisted the gun out of her grip. I covered his back as other goons tried to stop him from tying her up. She elbowed him and scratched at him with manicured nails in a clumsy fashion. I stunned her with a square punch on the jaw. When the smoke finally cleared we had three large guys lying unconscious, and Michelle was tied to another two. She flipped her hair and glared at us.

The engines of the plane next to us suddenly began humming. She smiled, I noticed she had a few teeth knocked out, my handiwork.

"Kids get distracted so easily." She spat out as the plane began to move. The ramp hadn't even been disconnected and it scraped against the asphalt throwing up yellow sparks. The door wasn't closed and I saw Scarecrow there, waving at us maniacally.

From the terminal security had just realized what was happening and were driving towards us. They had Taser guns aimed at us, the GCPD was probably also on the radio. Robin was watching them and making calculations. I, however, paid no attention. All I saw was Scarecrow getting away, but not on my watch.

The plane hadn't picked up any speed yet, I ran towards the door, pulling out my grapple gun. Scarecrow realized what I planned, and he made move to close the door. But not before I had already shot at it, and swung inside the plane, kicking him back at the same time. I landed on my back on the floor of the cozy private jet, he was pinned to the wall by my boots.

I jumped onto my feet as one of the flight attendants came after me with a steel tray, she had blonde hair. I ducked to dodge her and clipped her on the side. She gasped and folded over, her partner came after me next. She was wearing extremely sharp stiletto heels and sent a high kick for my head. She barely missed me, and I tasted the sharp point of her heel as it barely grazed my right ear.

I grabbed her leg and twisted her, she landed with a huge thud on her stomach. The other girl, Blondie, got back up, I punched her in the face and pushed her towards the back of the plane. The sharp heeled girl used her other leg and kicked me in the ankles. I tipped over onto one of the seats, feeling a spiking pain climb up to my knees.

Why do the people that surround themselves around villains always have to know how to fight?

I flipped back onto my feet as she tried to stomp on my face. The seat where I'd been a second ago tore open and white fluff dripped out of it. She growled in frustration and tore her foot out, glaring at me.

"Nice shoes." I commented and she spit on the floor.

I was ready to fight her and finish her off, I'd already picked out all her weak points. Her knees being the greatest weak point, she was a little wobbly on those spiked heels, I needed to make her lose her balance. Her charcoal colored eyes flashed from me to something behind me. It was only less than a second, but that was all I needed to see to know that there was something behind me. Usually people don't look away from their opponent.

I dove sideways as the cart where drinks were served raced past me. The plan had been for it to crash into me, but from the safety of a sofa on the side, I watched it collide into Stiletto heels instead. She crashed into the wall, smacking her head on the back and being crushed by the cart all at once. It was no surprise to me when she didn't get back up.

I turned to glance at Blondie, her mouth hung open in shock. I can't imagine the guilt she must have felt at knocking out her own partner. It reminded me of a time when Robin and I were up against Penguin's crooks as he tried robbing a bank. In an effort to knock one's lights out he had suddenly ducked and I hit Robin instead. Except Robin recovered quickly, and was untroubled by it until early morning when we returned to the batcave and he discovered a purpling bruise on his face. Batman had been unimpressed by it all.

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