Chapter 10: Revelations

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Things were very tense by the time we got back to Wayne Manor. We told them everything we found out. Except, I left out the little tip about Justin being James, my original Dad, reincarnated. I didn't want to talk about that, it was mine alone. I limped to the grand staircase as quickly as I could to avoid Bruce's lecture. I could just ground myself and save everyone the time.

But, he just had to have the last word, and was right behind me, able to walk at twice my speed since his legs were longer and in much better condition. As soon as I had taken two steps on the grand staircase, he stopped me.

"Krystal!" He shouted, "We have to talk."

I scoffed. That was an interesting word to hear from him. He never wanted to talk.

"What is there to talk about?"

"Let's start with how deliberately disobeyed me."

Tim came in quickly, "Actually, sir, that was my fault. I dragged everyone over there. I'm sorry."

 "Tim, go home." Bruce growled, "You've done enough for today."

He turned back to face me and attempted a gentler tone. "Krystal, look at your knee, you got hurt. You should know better. From now on, I don't want you going out. At all. Patrol included."

"You can't lock me up!" I cried.

"I just did."

I shook my head at the unfairness of it all. "We wanted to help. We found important information for you guys and I'm being punished for it!?"

"The Justice League doesn't need any help. If anything, you've only caused more trouble for me."

I froze and stared hard at his face. The cowl was gone, but the rest of his armor still shielded him, the cape blanketed his shoulders. I had already changed, he told me to, while he was going to be out all night, again. I didn't care about that. I knew I was going to be retired for the night, especially with a sore knee. But, his words cut me deep.

I was causing more trouble for him. More questions began storming my head. If he had known about the case with Flash, had he also known about my other dad this whole time too? Why was it just me that he directed everything to? Tim was just as guilty as I was, and he only got sent home. How could he accuse me of being only trouble to him? Was I nothing but that to him? Why did he even bother taking me in?

We were both happier when I lived on the streets, and he didn't know I existed. I was happier when James was my only Dad, who died for me as a hero.

"For you?" I repeated. "I've caused more trouble for you? That's all I ever do, isn't it? That's all I am, a burden!"

Just like I was a useless weight sucking up tax dollars in the foster care and orphanage system. Another unwanted child being passed around like a smoking cigarette.

He sighed. "Thats not what I meant."

"You said it. It's what you feel!" I accused.

He bristled, "This isn't about me. You've no right to throw accusations!"

"And You have no right to take everything away from me and lock me up like all the other maniacs in this stupid city that cause trouble for you!"

I'd gotten under his skin. He used the bat glare on me, even though he technically wasn't Batman right now, he was supposed to be Bruce Wayne.

"I haven't taken anything from you." He lifted his hands to indicate around the mansion. "On the contrary, I've given you everything."

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