Chapter 23: Sweet Things Untasted

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J'onn nodded, "Very well. We will need the League here. I will gather them up and we will start next week."

He turned to leave the Bat-family in the room together all watching Krystal solemnly.

"What if it doesn't work?" Tim questioned.

Bruce sucked in a breath, "We keep trying."

Dick shook his head, "Are you sure about this, Bruce?"

"I'm not", he answered honestly, "but look at her. She's not going to wake up anytime soon on her own. I will never forgive myself if she wakes up with half her life spent on a hospital bed above Earth knowing that I could've done something to bring her back sooner." His onyx colored eyes iced over.

Dick rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly not having anything to say to that. Tim left the room and entered the steel colored hallway of the medical wing. He smirked to himself in disbelief, these were the only familiar hallways to him in the Watch Tower. He couldn't bring himself to tour the rest of it without Krystal.

He twisted on his heel and followed the familiar path back to where he was almost certain he could find J'onn. It didn't feel like a long walk to him when he reached a space of the watch tower that was dome shaped and made of thick glass allowing a view of earth. It had a sort of bridge that reached out to the circular glass directly ahead of it but it didn't get anywhere close to it. Behind the bridge were the Zeta beam receivers and transporters. This could be the grand entrance of the Watch Tower.

He looked around seeing no sign of the green martian anywhere. Then he walked out to the end of the bridge where many keyboards, buttons, and dials spread across a semi circle of a desktop. This was where J'onn spent his time monitoring everything. Everyone in the league took turns on monitor duty, but J'onn took care of it the most. He liked it up here, and him and Megan spent almost 90% of their time here. Every now and then they went down to Earth for awhile. But mostly they lived and breathed the watch tower.

Tim looked from the computer to the window, all around him was the abyss of space, and then Earth. He felt like he was floating in the middle of it.

"Tim?" Megan asked, "What are you doing here?"

He turned around to see her standing behind him on the bridge. He smiled at her confused face.

"Just looking for your uncle." He answered.

"Oh, well I haven't seen him." She looked at the ground shyly suddenly and pushed her red hair behind an ear. "I heard about what he's considering for Krystal."

Tim nodded, "Bruce gave him the go ahead, they're going to start next week."

Megan looked shocked then she sighed, "I hope it works. I bake cookies for her everyday but she can never eat them so I just leave them with Bruce and my uncle."

Tim grinned warmly at her, "They taste delicious by the way. You don't burn them anymore."

She giggled, "I guess I've had alot of practice."

There was silence as the dragged themselves off the bridge and back to the floor of the Watch Tower. They were greeted by the Blue Beetle who had just entered through the Zeta beams. The Tower was teaming with heroes all over now. They departed and entered endlessly Captain Marvel emerged from a hallway that was a mystery to Tim still and waved at them as he left. Black Canary and Green Arrow walked through some other hallway talking between themselves.

Tim and Megan sat on a bench as the activity happened around them. He put his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket and stretched back to lean against the wall comfortably. Megan sat upright humming to herself and greeting everyone politely as Tim sat broodingly. He finally sat up to tell her what was on his mind. She, like her uncle, wouldn't have dared to read his mind with his permission.

"I was looking for J'onn because I don't think it's going to work." He said quietly.

 Her smile faded as she turned her head curiously at him. "Why do you say that?" She was offended. She assumed that it was an insult to her uncle's powers.

"Because, J'onn is a mystery to Krystal. If she really is buried deep in her mind or whatever, why would she listen to him and come back?"

Megan opened her mouth defensively but he didn't let her speak.

"I think", he sighed, "It would be better if you brought her back."

Her eyes widened. "Me?" She asked incredulously. "No, I-I couldn't. I'm not that strong, and if I mess up she'll never come back. I can't do it."

"Yes you can." Tim assured, "You're her best chance."

She was silent and fearful. J'onn approached them suddenly, and they straightened up. He regarded them both with a nod and then turned to Megan. "He's right M'gann. It has to be you."

"But what if I mess up? It'll be all my--"

J'onn hushed her, "You can handle it. You are strong enough to do it. I will go in with you and we will bring her back together. It's the best chance we have to bring her back."

"And then she really can taste your cookies." Tim added sweetly.

J'onn kneeled in front of her and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. No words were exchanged they just stared at each other and Tim was confused for a moment until he realized that they were speaking to each other telepathically. When J'onn was finished he stood up and Megan stared at the floor nodding to herself and thinking. Finally she looked up with determination in her innocent eyes.


I know its been awhile and Im sorry Ive been terribly busy and working on a few original stories of my own :)

But here we go :o Krystal has been in a coma for 7 weeks now and they need to bring her back :o Meanwhile Scarecrow is on the loose somewhere possibly planning for a new attack maybe? Who knows! xp

Megan is going to get a chance to shine soon :) Its up to her to bring Kystal back ^_^ I hope you guys enjoyed reading. Have a great week and I'll bring the next update when I can :D

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