Chapter 9: Blown Away

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My resurrected father took us to a large conference room with a window that gave a spectacular view of Las Vegas and the setting sun on the horizon. There was a long table full of tasty food right at the center. We hesitated to eat it, but Justin casually took a seat and began to eat. He also pointed at two chairs, resting on them untouched was mine and Robin's utility belts.

We dove for them and did a detailed inspection. Everything was untouched. I put it on, Kid Flash buzzed around the table devouring everything in his path, he was too hungry to care about poison and assumed Justin wouldn't eat unless it was okay. I stared at Justin, he seemed pleased with himself.

"How old are you all?" He asked.

None of us answered we just looked back at him. Bart slurped up a plate of noodles and smacked his lips when he'd consumed all of it.

Justin chuckled, "I apologize that must be 'classified'."

"Do you run H.I. yourself?" I interupted.

He nodded his head, "For the most part. I used to have a partner based in Chicago, Rachel. However, we came to a disagreement on our views about heroes. So, I fired her. She didn't take it well, she stole my documents and committed multiple accounts of fraud."

The way he said it, he was so nonchalant about it. This was a rehearsed story. I narrowed my eyes.

"Did she destroy the Watch Tower, and try to frame you for it?" Tim questioned.

Justin blinked at him, "She says it wasn't her."

"You trust her?"

Justin stared into his drink, "She's in the building now, delusional. That's how I know it wasn't her. A few weeks ago she was mugged and was recovering in a Miracle Healing hospital when it got leveled to the ground. She barely got out alive and hasn't left the care of my doctors since. We had our disagreements, but she was a colleague. I've been overseeing her care myself."

I remembered that story. It had happened last month, Miracle Healing Hospital in Central City somehow had bombs planted within it. It exploded out of nowhere, without warning. No one could have done anything to save the people in there. The Hospital was standing, and collapsing in flames the next second. The Flash had sped over to save some people, but even he wasn't fast enough. There were 90 casualties, with many more injuries.

He'd been depressed for weeks, and was just starting to move forward again.

"That was so sad." Supergirl said. "I wish I could find the jerk who did that."

Justin looked surprised. "You don't know?" He looked at Kid Flash, "Do you know?"

"Know what?"

He looked at each of us one by one, "It makes sense that they wouldn't tell you. They don't want you to see them for who they really are. Poor Rachel was left completely shattered by that experience physically and mentally. No one wants that kind of blood on their hands."

"What are you talking about?" M'gann asked. She could very easily just read his mind to figure it out, but she refused to go in there unwarranted.

Justin sighed. He got up from his chair and approached a TV on the wall, "This video is classfied."

It turned on to reveal security footage of the hospital, dated when the explosion took place, a minute before. A blurry figure streaked by so fast the camera didn't catch it very well. Immediately after, the building shook, flames engulfed it, and the camera went black. The video repeated at a much slower pace. It froze as the streak moved through and zoomed in to reveal a grainy image that looked suspiciously similar to a familiar red Speedster.

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