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Here we go.

I tried to still the nervous beating of my heart, the sweat building up in my clammy my hands. Adrenaline rushed through my veins, leaving me tense and battle ready.

Bruce nodded seriously at me. "Remember, you don't have to face anything alone." He reminded referencing back to my little plane trip two weeks earlier.

I nodded folding my hands into fists. My hair felt sticky, I worried that I hadn't packed my utilities right.

Tim was next to me. He nodded and smirked in that mischievous way of his, glancing down to my hands. "You got the map?"

I nodded. The routes were all lined out and calculated. Every destination would be reached on time, failure was not happening today.

We departed from Bruce, he watched us silent as a shadow before turning to take care of his own business in Gotham. Dick had gone back to his hometown, if all went well and no one came close to dying again he wouldn't need to be back until Thanksgiving.

We rounded over a corner stealthily, I kept a watchful look out for every shadow, every spot where there could be a trap. My fingers twitched for a batarang, my legs ached to kick something.

Without warning Tim stole my map, he crumpled it up and tossed it into the nearest trashcan. I spun on him, wide-mouthed.

"What are you doing!? I need that!"

He chuckled. "You're acting like we're going into some battle. It's just high school." He grabbed the school bag off my shoulder, it was a Prada of the latest fashion. "You don't need that map."

I pouted slightly but I couldn't deny the butterflies that fluttered in my stomach when he casually draped an arm over my shoulders and guided me toward my first class. English.

He smiled proudly. "This is going to be great. High School with you."

I shifted feeling the uniform itch me and the skirt want to ride up. Around us were the other rich and privileged children of Gotham dressed similarly, with the exception of a few outstanding middle class teens who received scholarships to study here. Some of them came forward to say hi to Tim, he received them all happily. He didn't have the grace that my brother had, but he didn't have the stiffness of his mentor either. It was a nice balance between awkward and friendly, I found it so charming. Sometimes these people would turn to say hi to me, and I couldn't even manage an teaspoon of Tim's easiness. A horrible thought occurred to me, what if I'd inherited my father's social skills?

Not the skills of Bruce Wayne, cause all that is only an act, but of Batman. I shivered. Oh, God.

I noticed girls sizing me up. Professors nodding and smiling at me. Guys eyeing me, though their gazes usually turned away when they noticed Tim's arm around me. I was thankful for that. Every part of me wanted to sink back into the shadows. I told myself that it wasn't their fault for wanting to get a peek at me. I'm a Wayne, and I'm at the school. I came from the richest and most elite family in all of Gotham, as well as the most tragic and mysterious one, with scandal tossed into the mix. They were all curious about me.

"You make the uniform look so adorable too." Tim whispered.

"Shut up!" I pushed him away, though part of me wanted to pull him closer. My cheeks became red and hot.

As he laughed I wondered if he'd said that seriously, or if he was trying to get me to stop thinking about the way everyone was calculating every move I made. Though the glint in his green eyes told me it had been for both reasons. We passed through the expensive courtyard and fountains of the school, through glass double doors decorated with quotes from Shakespeare and Tolstoy.

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