Chapter 27: A Perfect Mess

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Nobody spoke. I felt like I should say something but the only words I suddenly knew how to say were, "oh God, ohgodohgodohgod." And they kept repeating themselves in my head over and over.

He slowly breathed. I could see him trying to figure out how to react to this. "Briefing room with the league. Now." He snarled.

Robin and I gave each other one last glance before slowly getting up and walking towards the door. I couldn't look Batman in the eye. I was completely mortified that he had seen all that, and ashamed that I couldn't get this stupid blush off of my face.

He placed himself between Robin and I, and walked with a stiffness, his hands clenched into tight fists. I don't know what I'd expected him to do, and I don't even think he knew what he expected himself to do. We got to the briefing room, all of the Justice League was there and everyone's respective sidekicks as well. There were two pairs of seats left. Batman put his hand on my shoulder and ushered me into one, while Nightwing escorted Robin to another pair of seats on the opposite side of the table. Superman outlined some key things we knew about Scarecrow and how we would most likely be able to find him by working together.

It flew by quickly and it was soon time to leave. Kara had been giving me inquisitive looks the entire time, obviously knowing something was up. After the meeting she rushed me to ask about it.

"Batgirl?" She asked, "Are you alright?" 

I twisted my head around to look at my dad, he had calmed down a bit, but his jaw was still firmly set. With his hand on my shoulder he guided me out of there and to the Zeta transports. Before I knew it we were in the Batcave. I felt kind of bad just leaving Kara hanging like that, but I knew that I would've ended up feeling worse if I told with Batman standing right there. I'd fill her in on the deets later.

Nightwing and Robin appeared next. Still no words were spoken. Anxiety was killing me. I could feel my hands becoming clammy, and I felt like I was being suffocated by my suit. Batman twisted around, his black cape flying out behind him. He lowered himself down on his chair in front of the large computer screens. Then he tore his cowl off and rubbed at his temples. Something I'd seen him do very many times before when he was stuck on something.

 I just wanted to get out of here. At the same time I was curious to hear what he thought and how he felt, but maybe later. When it wasn't so awkward and tense and with Tim standing three feet away.

"Um", I stuttered out, "Dad? I'm really tired, so I'm just going to go to bed." I tried to make a run for it as calmly as possible.

"You're not going anywhere." He sounded scarily calm. I hate it when he's obviously worked up about something and sounds calm as a stream about it. It makes seem all the more ominous. He spun around to face us in his chair. "From now on, Nightwing. And Nightwing, alone. Is in charge of your retraining. Until I talk to Black Canary to take over for him." He sighed deeply, "And if I catch you and Robin fooling around and wasting time again..." He stumbled over it and paused. "Just don't let it happen again." He growled. He glared at Tim. It was a warning that'd better be heeded unless you had some kind of death wish. Or in my case were okay with being locked away until you rot.

I don't know what he had planned for Tim. I also didn't see what the big deal was, he had trained Tim and knew him well. I actually always sort of thought that he would kind of push for Tim and I to be together someday, but I guess I was wrong. Now it seemed like that had never been his plan, or something he ever considered happening.

He turned to me, "Go to bed, and nowhere else! I'd like to talk to have a little chat with the boys."

I listened to him and left quickly. I undressed out of the suit and let myself into the mansion through my grandfather's study. I wandered into the wide hallways and made way straight to my rooms. A few maids that ran into me nodded and smiled.

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