Chapter 24: The Dream Team

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The league gathered in the medical room surrounding Krystal's sleeping body in a full circle. They all held hands, J'onn and Megan in the middle. The Martian looked to his niece and nodded calmy, while she gulped anxiously.

"Do not worry, I will coach you through it." J'onn reassured, "just do the best you can."

She nodded and took a deep breath. "I'm ready."

Bruce sighed and stared at his only daughter. Please come back. He silently begged. Outwardly he looked composed and unafraid, but inside he was quaking uncontrollably. His hand was interlocked with Tim's, the boy hid his emotions well just like his mentor. It made Bruce's heart swell with pride. Beyond them Dick kept calm too, he had trained them well. The Bat family were the only ones not dressed in costume, everyone else was in their hero's clothes. Bruce had wanted to be in costume as well but J'onn had been against it.

"Won't it be strange that everyone is in costume, and I am not, besides she last saw me as Batman." Bruce had argued.

J'onn had shook his head in dismay, "Regardless of how she last saw you. I believe she would rather return to her father, than the shadowy bat."

"How can you be so sure?" Bruce growled.

"You must trust me."

Bruce gritted his teeth. Not only did he feel extremely odd standing here in business clothes bought at an over expensive price while his colleagues donned their crests. He hated that he had no control in this situation at all. He was so used to always having a contingency plan, he prided himself in being ready for anything. Yet, nothing had prepared him for this. He had no back up plan, he had to rely entirely on others. He trusted the league enough, however he was used to always having his own self-assurance. This time he was completely vulnerable.

"We begin now." J'onn said quietly.

All their attention turned to Megan as her eyes glowed an eery yellow, and she slowly bowed her head. Everyone followed in suit, Bruce felt as if he was floating for a second and then a warm wind was hitting him. Tiny sand particles blew through his black hair and stuck to his clothes. They all opened their eyes and found themselves in a dry red desert.

"Where are we?" Kara asked out loud curiously.

"Her subconcious", J'onn answered. He turned his attention to Megan, "This is where you leave us. Good Luck."

She nodded and walked into the middle of the circle. There was a quiet determined look in her gaze, she sent Tim one last glance before curling up on the floor and delving even deeper to Krystal's mind to bring her back. When they were sure that Megan was gone they let go of each other's hands and looked around the scene where they'd been left.

"It's so empty", giggled Bart.

Tim glared daggers at him, "Shut up!" He snapped, "I bet there's more here than your mind!"

Before Bart could rebut his insult J'onn scolded them, "We must keep the peace between us. This environment we now stand in is ever changing."

"What exactly are we in?" Clark questioned.

J'onn sighed. It was complicated pyschic stuff that was hard to understand and even worse to explain. But he would give his best shot for them. "Krystal's subconcious mind. This is where her memories and dreams play out. We're all in a dream state right now to be able to enter and guard Megan as she tries to retrieve her, if all is successful she will bring Krystal here so that she can begin to truly dream and then will lead her to wake up."

"Guard Megan from what?" Bruce asked.

"We're going to come across all kinds of forces. Memories and fears of Krystal that'll be here after Megan because her very entrance into the deeper parts of Krystal are a disruptance, naturally they'll try and stop her. If they succeed it'll drive Krystal into a deeper sleep. Also, if any of us is hit to the head with some powerful force you will wake to find yourself in the medical room. We must be on guard and on the look out for both my niece's sake and Krystal's sake. Any sort of ill will we have towards each other will be detected by Krystal as well." He sent a meaningful look to Tim and Bart. They lowered their gaze and muttered peaceful words to each other.

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