Chapter 12: Not Telling

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I drank some water out of a glass that Alfred left out for us. He wasn't in the Batcave. He must've decided to turn in for the night. Robin downed his water and kept refilling his cup. I rubbed my temples and blinked a few times. The week I'd spent away took a toll on me, I was tired.

I walked over to the giant computer screen. Batman's papers were scattered all over the place. I shifted them around, just an inch, making sure it didn't look like his stuff had been messed with, to get a look. I didn't want to risk upsetting him more.

"He's got his hands full, doesn't he?" Robin commented, holding the glass of water in his gloved hand.

I glanced at him, taking notice of the way the mask hugged his face and shielded his emerald eyes from anyone that looked at him.

"Yeah, besides all the crime here in Gotham, he's got cases to work on with the Justice League. Flash's case, he needs to check out H.I., figure out where the missiles came from, and the giant robot's maker."

Thinking about H.I. reminded me of Justin Hayden, my once dead father. He was in a hospital in the city, but I didn't know which one. Batman refused to disclose that information. He claimed that we had already caused too much trouble. Although, I have a teeny feeling that he was keeping us away from him for our safety, not his.

I pulled out of my thoughts and realized Robin hadn't spoken, that was unlike him. I tended to be the quieter between us. I turned back to him, he was staring at me intently.

"What is it?" I asked.

He pursed his lips, "Remember earlier today when we were on the phone. I told you I was on something and that I would tell you about it later?"

I nodded.

"Well, it's later." He put the glass down. "I was sitting in a fastfood joint with Ariana, and she wanted to talk about what we were gonna do over summer. Her friends showed up, so I excused myself to the restroom for a break. I decided I should tough out the rest of the date, even though her buzzers were there too. But then, I overheard a guy talking in a really 3rd grade code, it was about the robot. I had to follow him out. So I called you to get me out of my date, and I followed him."

"Who was it?" I cut in with interest. He had already nearly solved the Robot case!

"Mr. Dellini."

My mouth dropped open.



That dorky creep of a math teacher had actually lead a bunch of his own students, plus others, into a death trap. It wasn't the shock of my life, I already had a couple of those, I knew what they felt like. But, it was breaking news.

"He has the blueprints for it in his apartment. He and the other five teachers who sponsor the party were hired to design it and send it in to the stadium we were trapped in. I had guessed the party was just a test run for it, but it was only created for one-time use. It's sole purpose was to kill all of those kids. We intercepted that attack. But whoever hired them is still out there, he has a supply of kryptonite, meaning he's been anticipating that, at least, Superman would step in, and I'm sure he plans to strike again. Except, now we have a platform to jump from and get him."


He nodded. "I want you to help me get to the bottom of this."

I would've agreed and taken off with him any day. But, there was a small question on my mind. 

"Why haven't you told Batman about this?"

"Do you really think that's something he wants to hear from me? We're already in enough trouble. I figured we could do this and get on his good side again."

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