Chapter 31: As the Crow Flies

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Robin and Nightwing ducked sideways as the bullets ricocheted off the walls towards them. I quickly used that moment to grab the knife, and I cut into Maxie's ankles. There was a scream from him, and he fell over quickly. I couldn't help but smirk, Gods don't bleed.

He glared at me, and I'm sure if could have, he would've electrocuted me with a lightning bolt right there. However, since he had no lightning all he could manage to do was lift an arm and grab for my hair. Bruce quickly stepped in front of him though, kicking him square in the face and knocking him out. Above us on the second floor I could hear the Joker's cackling reverb off the exploded walls of my fallen restaurant. There were a few supporting giggles from Harley, and grunts from Nightwing as he tried to apprehend them.

Scarecrow glared at us. A millionaire and his daughter, daring to stand up to him. Unfortunately we couldn't make ourselves too daring, it would be disastrous for them to know that we were also the caped crusaders.

"Amazing, what a father will do for his daughter." Scarecrow cooed watching us steadily with his mask. "I would very much like to see what you fear most, Mr. Bruce. Would it be losing her, or your millions?"

"Try both." Bruce replied cockily.

"This is the problem with you money types. Always so fearless, no matter what tragedies have plagued you." He sent a meaningful look to me with those empty eyes in his sack. "A little fear in everyone, is essential." He lashed out with his needle, driving it into Bruce's shoulder.

I gasped in shock. Of course, my Dad could have easily dodged that shot, but right now he wasn't Batman. Right now, he was the arrogant playboy, Bruce Wayne, so he had to take the shot, whether he liked it or not.

"Dad!" I cried out as he fell. Despite knowing that he took it willingly, it still hurt to see him fall into the pits of fear. Sweat began building on him as the beginning stages of hyperventilation settled in, his eyes traveled around the room and to me with a controlled panic.

"Would you like to join your daddy?" Scarecrow said as he came closer.

Robin jumped to the floor in front of us, putting himself between me and the masked doctor. "Enough of this." He said.

"Don't make me give you another dose, kid." There was a dangerous smile in his voice as he spoke, "Is Batgirl really dead?"

"You talk too much."

"Did you sing a song for her as she bled out in front you?" Scarecrow continued. Behind him police sirens and ambulance trucks were wailing over.

Robin wasted no more time, he kicked at Scarecrow, and they rolled into a fury of hits. I busied myself trying to get Bruce calm. Upstairs I heard Harley squeal in pain as Nightwing finally got a hold of Joker, only to be knocked backwards by one of his silly but deadly gimmicks. I wanted so badly to get out here and help them, my family. But I was stuck, a victim to a terrible event that had just taken place here in Gotham.

If only things could get anymore frustrating, Maxie shook himself awake and grabbed me.

"You will pay for making a God bleed!" He roared at me.

There was no one paying any particular attention to me anymore, but just as I was going to take care of him myself Robin broke from his brawl with Scarecrow to come for me. He used a shruiken and with precise aim, got Zeus Wannabe in the face, inches away from my own. It wouldn't kill him, but it definitely hurt and would leave a nasty scar.

"GCPD!" Gordon yelled as he entered the building with his army of officers behind him.

I wrapped my arms around Robin's waist, willing myself to cry and panic about the horrors I'd just witnessed. He gently rested his hands on my shoulders and played along. Nightwing glided down from the second floor, bruised and wounded, but still strong enough to keep himself upright. Batman had trained him well.

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