Chapter 25: Awake

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 A light made its way into my vision. It was gorgeus, glowing and twinkling like a huge star. It stayed floating above me for awhile and began to get brighter.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

And it came with sound effects? Weird. Another light formed next to it, and then another. The beeping got louder and louder. Now this was getting crazy. Am I laying on my back?

My eyes fluttered open, they felt sticky and crusty. It was both extremely gross and at the same time satisfying. I stared at the ceiling light above me in confusion, then I strained to look at a screen next to me. It was a heart monitor beeping in time with my pulse which appeared to be stable. Thick bandages under my chest made me feel stiff each time I breathed, but that was it. Suddenly I became aware of a pile of faces all watching me.

Immediately to my right were the Kryptonians, they beamed at me happily and Superman patted his family members on their shoulders gently. Then it was Hawkgirl and Green Lantern, she smiled happily at me and he nodded stiffly. I could tell he was hiding whatever emotion it was he was really feeling. After them were the Martians, they both looked considerably tired, J'onn was proud as can be and Megan managed an exhausted smile to me. My favorite speedsters came next, they waved comically at me.

"Welcome back." Bart said.

Back? I was seriously confused. How long had I been out and why were they are staring at me as if I'd accomplished some sort of impossible task? I didn't even know how I'd gotten here, I didn't even know where 'here' was! All I did remember was a looking at the sun, and then wanting to follow it...

Wait a second! The sun! I had been laying down, because I'd been stabbed by Justin. My dad had been crying, like he was broken. Scarecrow had been behind everything, Bane, Two-Face and Black Adam were helping him. We had just beaten them all, and were on our way down the stairs when Justin had pulled out a mirror shard of some kind to put into Batman's back. I jumped on him to stop him, and we fell down the flight of stairs. By the time we got to the bottom the tables had turned, and I'd been stabbed.

I frantically moved my hands over the bandages on my sternum, surprisingly it wasn't wet with blood it was dry and only felt a little bruised but no serious pain. My eyes slowly traveled to my family, they were the only ones not in costume as well. Tim's green eyes were glowing brightly and his lips were wide with a charming smile aimed for me. Dick looked delighted to see me, he gave me a squeeze with his hand and I realized he'd been holding it this entire time. Bruce's onyx eyes were glossy and he wore an exhausted look of relief on him.

"Where am I?" I tried to speak normally but it came out as a mumble. Odd, it was like I didn't know how to speak anymore. I moved my arms to try to sit up but I felt incredibly heavy and I barely moved myself an inch.

"Try not to strain yourself." J'onn warned, "Just relax, you're okay. You're in the medical wing of the new watch tower."

My eyes widened, at least I think they did. I'm not quite so sure since I felt really numb all over.

"I haven't seen any of it yet except for the medical wing and the zeta beam tubes. I was waiting for you before exploring." Tim added gently.

They're welcoming me back. Everyone looked completely healed from a battle that to me happened only yesterday. My wound which should be severe right now seemed to be healed. I'm in the medical of the new watch tower. Tim was waiting for me. I felt like I'd forgotten how to speak or even move. My entire being felt numb. What had happened to me? I had a creeping suspicion that I may have been in a coma but I couldn't know for sure.

"H-how long?" I stuttered. That wasn't completely the question I wanted to ask. I was hoping to say, "How long have I been out of it?" But I guess what I really did say works just as fine, they all seemed to understand it anyways.

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