Chapter 6: Rebellion

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The news stations showed up immediately to broadcast the tragedy of the Watch Tower burtsing to bits above us. Police officers had set up crime tape around the sqaure to keep the citizens of Metropolis from harassing us.

I looked around at the shocked faces of fellow heroes, and to the confused faces of the civilians. They watched us with awe and immense insterest. Superman's ice blue eyes were blazing, the red cape seemed to float graciously beind him, the S shield on his chest moved in time with his muscles as he paced. He looked like he had a plan, people would pause to gawk at him. I almost wanted to bow, but I didn't.

"Is everyone alright?" He asked nodding to us.

Wonder Woman's tiara sparkled in the sunlight. It held back her black curly hair, the golden breast plate stood out against the red. She looked like a Greek Godddess. People stared at her majesty and wondered if she was real. I really respected her, she was gentle with those she loved, but fierce with enemies. She looked so concerned, but not for herself, it was for everyone else. 

"We're fine", she said, "What are we going to do?"

"I'm on that", Superman said reassuringly, "We'll build a new Watch Tower and--"

"New!?" Batman snarled. He was quite the opposite of Superman and Wonder Woman. Instead of bright red and blue colors, he was a solid black. His cape didn't stand just above the ground, it poured right onto it, ending in a spiked shape, much like real bat wings. The ears in his cowl pointed straight into the sky, they looked like horns. His eyes were covered over with a white film. The only visible part of him was the lower half of his face, his mouth twisted into an angry scowl.

 I winced slightly from his anger. He let go of my shoulder and approached Superman, "That Watch Tower doesn't come from just anywhere without consequence."

"Bruce, calm down", Superman tried, "I'm sure the money will--"

"It's not the money I'm worried about!" He roared, "Someone wants us destroyed, don't you get it, Clark!? That", He pointed to the sky. He looked like a shadow that had come to life and totally out of place in the day light. It even felt weird to me with the sun against my cowl.

"Was a message to us!" He finished, "I told you we'd be better off if we kept the Watch Tower a secret, but you", he growled, "You just had to blab its location away on international television."

Superman curled his hands into fists, "It was for the good of the people, they deserved to know. They deserve to feel safe."

"What about the maniacs out there, the ones that want us gone. Say they got a hold of nuclear launch codes. Then there'd be no one to keep them safe."

"You're just paranoid!"

Wonder Woman stepped between them, "Enough! Bruce is right, we would've been better off if they hadn't known about our Watch Tower. But thats done, now we need to focus!"

Sometimes I forgot how tall and strong Diana was. But, she was an Amazonian and only shorter than the men by a couple inches. She could hold her her own and whip them into shape easily.

Her eyes fell on me suddenly, then she looked past us. J'onn was walking over with M'gann following close behind him. She had dried tears in her eyes. Wonder Woman turned to stare hard into Superman's eyes.

"Clark, I don't know if you realize this but, there were children present in the Watch Tower. One of them came inches away from being crushed by one of the support beams, is that what you want?"

She was talking about me! Probably implying Tim, Bart, M'gann, Conner, and Kara too. But mostly, Tim and I, since we were the only ones with no real powers, just extensive training.

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