Chapter 4: Double Trouble

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"What were you thinking!?" Superman scolded.

His huge, muscular arms crossed over his chest, and his bright red cape flowed gracefully out behind him. He was supposed to be scolding all of us, but I could tell it was directed to Kara and Conner. His blue eyes stayed on them, looking ready to cook them with heat vision, and his body was angled sightly towards the young Kryptonians. Kara was biting her bottom lip and shifting from foot to foot, Conner kept glancing into Clark's eyes boldly and then away, his hands curled in fists. He hated being scolded and told what to do.

Superman sighed suddenly, "What if you were killed?"

Kara and Conner both looked up at him their jaws dropped.

"But, we weren't killed", Conner said, looking at the floor stubbornly, "I don't see why you're making such a big deal out of this! We're indestructible, after all."

"Just because you're almost invulnerable doesn't mean everyone here is!" John Stewart, the Green Lantern boomed. "Suppose we had been been 2 seconds later, Batgirl and Robin would've been obliterated by the Plasma Beams!" 

Tim and I glanced at each other. I won't lie, that had been a pretty tense moment, but it was nothing I couldn't overcome. I was more embarassed about it than anything, usually Robin and I were untouchable. But the Justice League had arrived when we'd all been at a weak point and they saw it.

"Not only that", The Flash said, he sped away from Bart to stand next to Superman, "What were you kids doing at a party like that? A giant robot isn't the only thing that can ruin you, alcohol, drugs, they can destroy you, too."

We didn't say anything about the party, we all averted our eyes and stared out the window to the Earth, rotating peacefully under us. Tim and I didn't dare to mention that we'd unintentionally gotten high on some kind of drug in the water, the last thing we wanted was to start another round of scolding. Worst of all, we did not want to prove them right. For the past hour, all the adults had been taking turns scolding us, they were almost done now. Except Batman, he hadn't said anything this whole time. He stood in the back, looking like a living shadow, glaring at us.

I swear, he had the scariest glare ever, it was enough to make your soul freeze. He didn't need to say anything, the glare did it all for him. I spent the whole time looking anywhere but at him.

"Kara, Conner, You two are grounded, you're going back to Smallville and you're not leaving for anything!" Superman said. He turned and walked onto the zeta transport. They followed him reluctantly, and teleported away.

The Flash escorted Bart onto it too, he waved goofily and they disapeared.

J'onn looked at M'gann and nodded, "M'gann, go to your room, I will be there soon to discuss your consequences." She nodded and sent me a pained look before skipping away into the Watch Tower.

That left Tim and I with Batman, we both glanced sheepishly at him, he narrowed his eyes and turned to the transporter. His black cape swung violently behind him, and made him 10 times more intimidating. We followed, the lights began shining around us, in the next moment we were standing in the bat cave. Batman turned his head swiftly to Robin.

"Tim, go home and don't let this happen again", he growled. Then to me, "I want you upstairs and in bed before I get home. You're grounded. I mean it, no mall, no movies, no computer, no doodling, nothing! Understand?"

My brow creased slightly, he was angry, but so was I. I couldn't care less about going to the mall, but my drawing was not "doodling". How dare he call it that!? I looked straight into his eyes and gave the best imitation of the bat glare I could muster. I knew he was just as good at reading body language as me, so I purposely displayed as much defiance as I could. But, of course, I could never beat him. He narrowed his eyes, my soul froze.

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