Chapter 28: Just a Father

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Rage. That was his first emotion when he saw his hands on her. His little girl being touched, tainted and corrupted by the one he had last expected. He wanted to throw him aside, and roar to scare off anyone that dared to look in her direction. But he didn't, he couldn't and he wouldn't. It was Tim after all, he knew the boy well. He had trained him, befriended his father, and been proud of him and grateful for the help he's been to Krystal every so often.

Now thinking of him with Krystal made him bristle.

He had calmed down considerably since first seeing that little scene. He was no longer angry with Dick for not keeping an eye on them, he didn't feel the need to destroy Tim, or to hide Krystal away. He was satisfied with the talk he'd had with the boys, though now a creeping suspicion was in him that he may have been a little too harsh. Still, he was troubled by this situation. Bruce Wayne was stumped, and had no idea what to do.

"If it's of any worth to you, Master Bruce", Alfred said accompanying him in the study, "I prefer Tim over any other oaf that may try for her."

Bruce agreed, reluctantly. "She's still only 14."

"Nearly 15", Alfred added respectfully. Bruce was quiet for a moment letting that fact sink in. 15, she would no longer be a new teenager. That was still such a young age though.

"How could this happen, Alfred?" He asked, "How did I not see it coming?" He saw Kara fly in towards Krystal's balcony, and he knew why she was here. Part of him had known she wouldn't fall asleep, it would be impossible with everything that's happened. She's already half nocturnal as it is with all the nights they spend out in the city.

"I believe you turned a blind eye to it."

Bruce sighed. He had to have turned a blind eye to it. Part of him did see the attraction going on, it was subtle, but it was there. Then Tim had broken up with Arianna, it had been odd to him at the time but they were all too preoccupied with Krystal's condition to put much thought into it.

"This can't happen", He sighed, "It's too risky."

Alfred looked down, "Master Bruce, may I say something?" He knew Bruce would oblige, his wisdom was received graciously by all in the manor. But he was still a butler and had to remain professional.

"Yes, Alfred. Go ahead."

"Your daughter is growing into a young Lady. As much as you'd love to keep her hidden away, you cannot. She will be exposed to things whether you like it or not. There are things that you can't prevent from happening, that you can't protect her from."

Bruce ran a hand through his hair. He knew it was true and it pained him to accept that. He had received Krystal in the hardest years to raise a kid, because she wasn't a kid anymore. He regretted that he wasn't there for her when she was a child, trusting and innocent. But then, what kind of father would he have been then? He had already failed her, he thought giving her a decent living and everything she could ask for was enough. But it wasn't. She was still alone.

Alfred continued, "You know as well as I that she's already been harassed by boys in junior high."

Bruce scoffed, "It was a bad school."

"Gotham Heights will be no different, as long as she is a lady, especially a Wayne lady, she will attract that kind of attention. At least Tim can keep the dogs off of her."

Alfred was right. Bruce couldn't be there at her school and he couldn't just lock her away either. She would hate that. Tim would be there for her in ways that he couldn't be, he hated to admit that to himself.

"But can Tim keep himself off her", He growled.

Alfred held back a chuckle, "I'm sure after the little chat you had with him he will think twice." He sighed, "You know, you must also address the situation with her as well." He remembered the question she had asked him. She needed a response from her father, it was a shame for a child to grow up in confusion. She had to know the way her father felt about this.

"What do I tell her, Alfred?"

"Your concerns, what you're okay with and what you're not okay with. How you wish for her to behave in the dating world. If you don't, she will either make her own rules, or follow a bad example."

Bruce shuddered at the thought, thinking of the easy women he used as dates from time to time. No respect for themselves at all. He feared Krystal turning out that way. To grow into a woman that is tossed around between men like some toy. He clenched his teeth and began pacing.

"I don't want her dating anyone yet. She's still too young for that."

"Then tell her."

"She'll want to know when and why."

"Do you know when and why?" Alfred inquired.

Bruce stopped his pacing and looked out the window. "I know why, I just don't know when."

"Be mindful, Master Bruce, of when she's ready. She has been forced to mature faster than most girls her age because of her circumstances, and she is a very bright girl. Be ready to listen to what she has to say."

Bruce was silent for a moment before sighing deeply and wiping off beads of sweat that formed on his face. "I really don't want to discuss", he paused and spoke in a hushed tone as if it was forbidden, "to discuss sex with her."

"I'm afraid it may come to that anyways. At least she will know where you stand on the matter, and decide accordingly if she wants to listen to you or not."

That was another thing that really bothered Bruce Wayne to the point where he wanted to pull his hair out. She may just disobey him, she already had plenty of times already. 

"After I've explained the way I feel to her, I can give her consequences for not listening to me." He mumbled to himself for comfort. He had, at first, wanted to punish her then and there, but it would've been unwise and unfair. Especially since she had no idea how Bruce felt about this situation, where he stood with the idea of her dating and to what extent she behaved in such a way. So, she had acted blindly. But after he talked with her, they would both be accountable. She would be accountable to his rules, and he would be accountable to his word.

This was a hard thing to do. Fathering her alone. Hunting down criminals on the streets was much easier. But under the billionaire's arrogant smile, and cowl's angry snarl, he was just a father. He felt bad she didn't have her mother to talk too about this. But he was determined to make sure she knew she wasn't alone the way he'd been when this time had come for him.

"Okay", he nodded, "I'll talk to her in the morning." Just then Kara was leaving the manor. It wouldn't be long now till Krystal fell to sleep. A thought occurred to him suddenly. "Alfred?"

"Yes, Master Bruce?"

He absently fixed the buttons on his sleeve, "Contact the Drakes in the morning. I would like to arrange a nice lunch for us all in the gardens. Tell them, Sunday." He knew the family very well, he knew they were good people. But it would be proper to invite them over and discuss with Jack Drake the situation between their children. Tim had his confidence that he would behave, he was a good kid. Growing into an even better young man. The lunch would be to simply distinguish his fears and worries. As well as send a message to Krystal how involved he planned to be.

"Of course." Alfred smiled understanding the request perfectly.


Well now we know how Bruce feels about this entire situation :p I really enjoy writing these chapters and shedding some light into that dark mind of his ^_^

I hope you guys enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it :) Remember to comment, vote,  and share with other batman fans and whatnot :)

P.S Listen to Jack White's "Love is Blindness" that song is perfect with this, in my opinion.

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