Chapter 7: H.I.

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When I opened my eyes, I was in a large cage. Its bars were thick, probably made out of iron. I reached for my face, the cowl was still on, no one had messed with it. It had a built in security system that would send an electric shock if anyone ever tried to forcefully unmask me. Thank Goodness for that.  

But, my utility belt was gone, which made me anxious. I had a laser on there that probably would've gotten me out of this cage in no time.

"You're awake", Tim knelt next to me and rested his hand on my shoulder.

I shook some of the fuzziness out of my head, and turned to him. His domino mask was still intact. His jaw was relaxed and he was just barely chewing on his bottom lip, a telltale sign that he was concerned. His utility belt was also missing.

"Where is everyone?" I asked.

He paused, and grabbed my arms to help me to my feet. The cage was tall enough for us to stand, and wide enough to turn around, but crowded with two of us stuck in there. It was obviously built to hold one man, not two teenagers.

We were in the middle of a dim, stale room. There were no windows, a crack of white light showed under the only door on the other side. He twisted me around so I could see Kara and Connor, tied back to back on a chair. Small blocks of glowing krptonite rested on each of their laps.

What is it with people having such easy access to Kryptonite? Luthor, Joker, Darkseid, and even Batman had access to it. He kept it stored up, and let Robin and I carry small fragments in lead-lined pouches, too.

Kara's sun golden hair fell over her face and occasionally moved as she swayed. Connor would groan sometimes, and try to open his eyes. Next to them, yellow and red colors were sprawled on the floor in a glass container. Bart slowly lifted his head to us. Behind his mask, his eyes looked frustrated.

"I feel so... Heavy..." He said before dropping back down.

I got closer to the edge of my cage and wrapped my fingers around the bars.

"Its a gravity chamber", Tim said, reading my confusion. He stood next to me and pointed left to another glass chamber with titanium plates. Numbers on top of it read 110 degrees exactly, small flames at the top would occasionally light making the space around the chamber explode in red and yellow for brief moments before returning to its same low light. At the bottom, M'gann leaned against the side with her eyes closed, panting weakly and soaked in sweat.

If it's possible for martian's to sweat?

I brought my gloved hand to my mouth and shook my head. They were keeping it hot enough to leave her weak, but cool enough to keep her alive. These people, our captors, knew our weaknesses. No doubt they were the ones who had bombed the Watch Tower, and we were at their mercy.

Now would've been a time that Tim would contact Batman, but his stuff was gone, we were on our own. I looked around the room, nothing sparked any ideas or showed a possible way out. It was too empty. The cage had no doors, and no locks for us too pick open. How had we even gotten in there?

I turned around to face Bart, he was trying to stand, only to smack back onto the ground.

"KF", I didn't use his real name, in case the place was bugged. "Don't fight it, you'll only make yourself weaker."

He groaned, "But...Miss Martian..."

I frowned sadly. Poor M'gann was worse than the rest of us. If she was kept in that heat for much longer, she could die.

"We'll figure something out." I assured.

The door opened and light poured into the room. My hands tightened against the bars. Tim started talking.

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