Chapter 19: Song of the Caged Robin

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  • Dedicated to Heroes

I don't know when the bats disappeared, or what exactly happened to me. I just know I opened my eyes suddenly and found myself in a cage. Behind me, M'gann was in a heat chamber, Kara locked in a red sun radiation chamber, Conner tied to a chair with Kryptonite glowing in front of him. Next to me, Tim was curled into a ball breathing quick shallow gulps, like he was having a nightmare. Bart was tangled in a pile of nets.

I slowly stood up, and looked around. I felt an eery dejavu. It was the same situation we'd been in mere few weeks ago, except this time it was part of the plan. This room was larger than the one before, and it had a window that showed the city of Metropolis bustling on the other side of the glass. There was a nice view of a fountain with some bronze spiked figure rising out of it, families took pictures by it, enjoying the perfect summer weather.

Two silouhettes stood with their hands behind their backs, viewing the scene like it was all going to be theirs soon. One had wavy light brown hair, the other was tall and bald. Lex and Justin. I looked around for Scarecrow AKA Johnathon Crane, he was nowhere to be found.

"It's beautiful." Justin commented.

"It is", Lex said, "And soon, I'll be controlling it all." He turned to Justin with a smile on his face, "And you'll have your justice."

Justin nodded, "It's only a matter of time since it's already begun." I saw him turn to look at a T.V mounted on a wall, "They'll understand in due time."

I looked at the T.V. he was watching and gasped. It was a news report of a shooting at an elementary school. An elementary school! Children and teachers had been shot to death! The woman reporting the news had tears falling from her eyes, she choked as she spoke of the disaster.

I shook my head in angry disgust. How could they!? Innocent lives had been taken and they would take more. They had to be stopped and they would be stopped, even if I have to die for it.

"Soon", Justin continued turning to look out the window again, "They'll understand where true justice comes from."

I fumed. By now the League had probably gotten to the school to do everything they could, and Batman, my father, now had another case to help those police on. They also could probably figure this was the beginning of phase 4, a phase of their master plan that I know is going to get worse and the climax was set for the grand opening of the Hall of Justice.

"You horrible people!" I hissed angrily.

They turned to face me. Justin shook his head sadly, "No, you don't understand yet. Your mentor has brainwashed you to believe in a corrupt form of justice. You'll see soon enough." He assured.

"Killing innocent children is justice!?" I shouted pointing at the T.V.

Justin looked heartbroken, "No, the death of children is never justice. That was just a sacrifice, necessary for opening your eyes."

"Open my eyes to what!?" I immediately regretted asking that question. I was encouraging him, now I was never going to get him to shut up. Then again, if I played along he would probably let me out of the cage, he did have a soft spot for children. I could tell it bothered him to have us all locked up.

 "To true justice." Justin answered, "With every rising hero theres a devious foe equal in strength that rises with him. Their bouts cause destruction and death, and they get so caught up with each other that they ignore the real people who need real help." He pointed at the T.V. "Where were they when this happened, this terrible crime that was caused not by an evil genius, but by an ordinary man. Don't you see, child? They are the source of it all. To every 'hero' there are one or more villains that meddle with them. Take out the hero, and the villain no longer has a play thing, therefore no more purpose. The people need to see that, and I can show them."

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