Chapter 30: The Fall of Olympus

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I was shoved under the table just as the pop of a shotgun exploded. The wealthy and political figures all began to scream as another shot exploded, shattering a beautiful painting 10 feet away from me. Silence followed it, everyone had gone still.

Bruce lifted a hand looking me over. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." I whispered back.

"Hello, you people that find yourselves great enough to be served by Gods." A voice announced. Bruce and I locked eyes. We knew the voice of Jonathon Crane anywhere.

We cautiously lifted ourselves up out of the table to see him, he was wearing a coat and had no mask with him. Without it he was soft looking, in fact a growling Chihuahua could be scarier than him. He had a very somber look about him, like someone that was incapable of hurting anything, even if he wanted too. The glasses he wore added to the geek-over-jock persona he radiated. He wasn't very tall, and his build was on the scrawnier side. As a result he was obviously an easy target to bully, which is what eventually lead to his snap and the terrible foe I now know as Scarecrow.

Behind him stood a man with a shotgun, he looked furious.

"This", Jonathon said, "Is my friend, Maxie Zeus, and he is highly offended that you would build this copy of Olympus and dare the Gods that he rules to serve you mortals."

I lifted an eyebrow. Maxie Zeus? I'd never heard of him.

My Dad tsk-ed under his breath.

Maxie stepped forward. "How dare you mortals challenge the Gods to serve you!" He bellowed, "Zeus serves no one. You serve Zeus! Prepare yourselves for enslavement!"

My eyes widened, did this guy seriously think he was Zeus, the king of the Greek Gods? Devilish laughter filled the room suddenly. My heart nearly stopped. It echoed off of the ceiling and everyone turned to see the Joker on the private second floor of the restaurant looking down on us all maliciously. Now, he was truly terrifying.

I scooted a little closer to Bruce without meaning too.

"Hey, Zeus. How about you hand me a few of your slaves, I'd like to have some fun with them." He laughed maniacally.

"Quiet, Clown!" Maxie barked back. He turned to address us, "Now you will all bow and serve me, or I shall bring my lightning down on you!"

One daring politician, I think his name was Randy Bachman or something, lifted his head up. "Enough of this. You want our money, then take it. But you will never get us to bow."

Crane smirked while Maxie fumed, "Clown, make it rain!" He commanded pointing up at the joker.

We all simultaneously turned to the joker who began laughing happily. Harley came up struggling to hold a very large machine gun.

"Here ya go, pumpkin!" She announced cheerfully.

He took it, "Thank you, Darling. Grab an umbrella, I heard we got some stormy weather in mount Olympus today!"

Bruce grabbed my shoulder and tossed both me and him under the table again as the Joker activated the gun. Bullets rained out of it, devastating every object that it came into contact with. The pots and beautiful décor were intact for a moment before suddenly shattering into pieces.

I heard a cry and turned to see Miss Clarimond fall to the floor bleeding from her chest. Bruce grabbed me and forced me towards him. "Keep your head down!" He shouted at me. Burying my face into his chest. I knew that he was just trying to keep me from seeing whoever else fell to their death. People we had just been enjoying breakfast with mere moments ago.

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