Chapter 2: Party of the Year

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I made my way down the stairs, to the dining room and sat in my usual spot across from Bruce. A steaming plate of bacon, eggs, and pancakes were already waiting for me. I yawned loudly as Bruce as lowered the newspaper he was reading to glance at his watch.

"You're going to be late for school," he said quietly.

"I'm tired, can't I just play hookie and stay here?"

He smiled at me and shook his head, "We were out late last night but that's your fault, not mine."

"Actually, Dad, it was Tim's fault", I corrected and began munching slowly on my breafast.

He frowned. "Krystal if you eat like that you're gonna miss the first two periods of school, maybe even three."

I shrugged my shoulders, "Doesn't matter I think everyone will enjoy not seeing me around", I said adding ketchup to my scrambled eggs.

I was attending a school, that ran grade levels from kindergarten to 8th grade. The orphanage I used to live in sent most of their kids there for education, halfway through 6th grade it was discovered that I was Bruce Wayne's biological daughter, transferred to a mansion, inherited lots of money (Which technically isn't mine), and plastered all over the newspapers, TV, and magazines. As a result, I became the most hated among my peers.

2 years later, that immature behavior is still going on. I'm not going to pretend it doesn't bug me, it does. Luckily, I had one friend, Natalie who was kind and understanding. She got me through the days.

He gave me a look and sighed, "I don't see why you won't attend the private institutions, it'd be better, the kids there are like you."

That was only half true, because none had the childhood I'd had. Dealing with those pretentious brats didn't allure me so I didn't want to leave my school. We had come to the agreement that I wouldn't attend a private school, namely Gotham Heights Academy, with Tim Drake, until 8th grade was over, and unfortunately for me, it would be very soon.

I went for my backpack, but he grabbed it for me. "Let's get to the garage", he told me, "I'll give you a ride to school."

He decided on the Lamborghini so we'd get there fast. I jumped out of the car and made it to second period when it was halfway through. The rest of the day went by smoothly. I kept my head low, took notes when I was awake for lecture, and finished my homework during lunch in the library.

When school ended, I walked with Natalie to the front gate. We had our last class together, which was nice cause then I could end the school day on good terms.

"So, are you going to camping with the school?" She asked.

She was reffering to a big camping trip that only 8th graders were allowed to go to. It was expensive for a lot of the people here, but supposedly a lot of fun and it lasted about five school days. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know, probably not, sleeping in a cabin, isn't really my thing." Sleeping at night at all wasn't really my thing, actually. Plus, I was going to feel guilty leaving Batman and Robin to patrol Gotham on their own.

She sighed, "Okay."

I glanced sideways at her, I felt guilty about leaving her. As far as I knew, she didn't really talk to anyone here but me. She was an outcast, too, her shyness got in the way of her making friends.

She pulled out her cell phone just before going outside the gates, "Hold on, I need to call my Mom and tell her to pick me up."

"Just take a ride with me, we can drop you off."

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