Chapter 14: Fly on the Wall

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I didn't hesitate to tear off the visitor's pass and dump it into the nearest waste can as I passed by it. This whole thing was starting to feel like a mistake, I didn't even get any useful information for Batman's investigation. But, at least, I got the truth, and no matter how much it stung, I preferred that over the old illusion I'd been holding on to. To distract my thoughts, I began looking over the volunteer form. It was sticky from the sweat my hands produced, and the edges were crumpled. I hadn't realized that it was in my hands the whole time, and I had been clenching it with a death grip. It requested the signature of a parent or guardian in order for me to be allowed to volunteer. I imagined Bruce's fancy signature over the line. I didn't even know if he would be willing to sign it, and I didn't care, at least asking him to would force him to face me.

I reached the elevator and pressed the down button. As I waited, I started to fold the paper so I could push it into my back pocket. The doors dinged open. I didn't even bother looking up when I stepped in.

"Krystal Wayne, is that you?"

My heart jolted and I forced a smile for the bald man before me. "Mr. Luthor, what a surprise!" I quickly scanned his suit. He was wearing a visitor's pass. I made sure that he didn't notice me sizing him up. While he was someone to be suspicious of, Krystal Wayne wasn't supposed to know of his evil genius tendencies.

He smiled back, "It is indeed a surprise. What brings you to the hospital?"

I was silently grateful for removing the visitor's pass when I'd had the chance. I unfolded the crumpled application and presented it. "Since school's out, I decided that I could help out here. I just finished a small tour. What brings you to Gotham?"

"I'm just here to visit a friend of mine." He stepped out of the elevator and let me enter. "It was nice to see you, please give my best to your father."

"I will."

My smile vanished the second he turned away. I quickly slipped through the elevator doors just before they closed and ducked behind a corner. Anywhere Luthor was going couldn't be good. I kept an eye on him to see what he was really up to. He spoke to a nurse and she pointed him onward. He smiled his thanks and continued down the hall to his destination, Justin's room.

I narrowed my eyes. Of course Justin was involved with Luthor in some way. He may have "died" and come back as someone else, but his perky judgement in business partners stayed the same. I crept nearer and expertly snagged a folder and a pen without notice. I sat down just outside the door where they wouldn't be able to see me, but I could hear them clearly. The nurses assumed that I had come to the hall to let the adults converse, while I waited like a good girl and filled out a volunteer application. They smiled at me as they walked by. I played the part pretty well.

Inside, I heard Justin mutter a greeting to Luthor. "Is everything in place?"

It sounded like Luthor scoffed, "Of course it is. Soon, we'll be able to get rid of them."

"Excellent. Once they're gone, people can finally learn to stop depending on aliens, mysterious figures and super beings for safety. They'll finally be smart enough to know that those coward heroes can't save everyone." There was a sour bitterness to Justin's voice that was more evident now than it had been before. "Every moment of mine since I was reborn has lead to this."

"Quit your talking", Luthor snapped. I could imagine him looking around suspiciously. "There's something else."

"Don't tell me that something has gone wrong. I've put too much work to have something else go wrong now."

"Calm yourself. Everything's perfectly fine. I just stumbled across an unexpected surprise", He sounded pleased. His voice went down to a hushed whisper, "I captured Supergirl, and I've got her in a red solar chamber. She'll never get away, and even if she does, she'll need some time to let the sunlight recharge her."

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