Chapter 5: Havoc on the Watch Tower

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When we returned to the mansion, Bruce did a great job pretending to be shocked about the whole ordeal. I was half asleep, so I don't really remember how my acting was, but I must've been convincing enough. The crooks were sent to spend a couple nights in jail. Bruce didn't want to make too big of a deal about it, so he didn't press charges, and the media quickly disspersed when there was nothing juicy to report about the Waynes.

The weekend I had on house arrest was absolute torture! Not so much the "forbidden from hanging out with friends" part, because I had no friends. Except Natalie, but she was the kind of companion that I only spoke to in school, outside of campus we didn't exist to each other. Tim and I usually hung out, but ever since he started high school he'd gotten a girlfriend and would spend his free time with her or his dad. Which I didn't mind so much either, cause he was a butt for a best friend/partner anyway. What got me was not being able to suit up! I wasn't even allowed into the cave. Then, it somehow got to Superman's super ears that I'd been suspended from hero work, and he decided it would be a good idea to suspend all of the party sidekicks from hero work. He confiscated mine and Tim's suit from Batman, and took the Kryptonians' suits, KF's suit, and M'gann's, and locked them away in the Watch Tower for a whole week.

On a brighter note, the suspension ended today.

I had feeling that some of the heroes didn't quite agree with his methods. Batman had a hard time patrolling Gotham without Robin and I to help him out. Nightwing had to come visit for a few days to help with an intense case he was working on. The Flash litterally counted down the days we'd be allowed back in the Watch Tower, and I think J'onn missed having his niece around.

"I really hope you kids have learned your lesson and take more responsibility from now on," Superman lectured as he lead us to the room he'd locked our suits away in.

Conner rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest.

Bart darted to the door 100 paces away, practically shaking.

"Don't worry big man, we got it," he said when the rest of us caught up. "No parties." He smiled innocently when Superman gave him a stern look, his staight teeth gleaming with pearly white shine.

"He's just being silly." Kara reassured her cousin.

"Right", Superman finished, "Anyway, I just want to finish with letting you know that we care about you, and we don't want you getting hurt. You're not babies, please don't make us treat you that way."

Finally, he unlocked the doors and they revealed a large rounded room, with doors on all the walls. Superman walked over to a control panel and typed in some codes. In response, the computers beeped and five doors that were side by side revealed our suits.

Bart sped over to his suit and hugged the glass wall that seperated him from it. "Oh, how I've missed you!" he cried, gazing at the yellow and red happily.

When the windows opened, we snatched up our suits and inspected them routinely. Mine was fine, the armor thick and impenetrable, while the fabric inside was soft and flexible for maximum mobility. All of my gadgets were accounted for. Even though we didn't really have any action to get to, we changed into them, because we were in the watch tower, and if you walked around there without your suit on, it was almost shameful. Superman nodded at us, convinced that we'd learned our lesson. Without another word, he turned away to leave, his bright red cape glided gracefully behind him.

Everytime you were in his presence, something in you kind of changed. He made you want to be great. Maybe it was his colorful suit that instilled confidence, maybe it was his righteous attitude, or maybe it was because he was known throughout the universe as the greatest hero that ever lived.

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