02 - source of comfort

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The next morning everyone was slowly going back to normal, talking more and the laughs that once filled the great hall had returned

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The next morning everyone was slowly going back to normal, talking more and the laughs that once filled the great hall had returned.

It was the day Selene was helping James with muggle studies. They were supposed to meet last night but given the daily prophet neither were in the mood.

Selene and Lily were sitting next to each other in transfiguration. Now just talking as they both successfully transfigured their ravens into goblets.

"I feel bad for you, Sel." Lily blurted

Selene nodded, "And why is that?"

"You have to spend time with Potter," Lily said putting on a look of disgust.

"He is not bad Lils."

"Says the one who hasn't had him constantly flirting with you for the past 6 years!"

Selene smirked, "True."

The bell rang which meant the end of transfiguration. The two girls walked out with their arms linked moving to the common room for their free period.

Selene and Lily approached the portrait of the fat lady. Lily muttered the password and the portrait hole swung open.

The two girls walked into the Gryffindor common room and sat down on the crimson fluffy couch to talk a little and start their potions homework.

"What are you doing tonight?" Lily asked.

"Well after dinner I'm meeting Potter at the black lake for an hour, and then I will be free the rest of the night," Selene answered while pulling out her potions book.

"Well, Marlene, Alice, and I are going to hang out in the dorm tonight and drink some butterbeer that Marlene got from Hogsmede. If you want to join?"

"Sounds fun, sure!"

Lily smiled and then proceeded to write on her parchment.

Selene was almost done with her paper for potions when the marauders decided to join them.

The portrait hole swung open to reveal, James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew

Selene always liked Remus the best out of the marauders. They first bonded in the second year when they found themselves in the library reading the same book 'Hogwarts A History' Both claiming it's a 'classic'.

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