24 - the marauders

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"You're dreaming?" Sirius smiled innocently

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"You're dreaming?" Sirius smiled innocently. "Yeah and I'm a death eater!" Peter exclaimed, he had realized the terrible mistake that he made. They all stared at him, "What?!" They all said in union. "Kidding! Uh- I transfigured myself." Sirius looked over at the blonde boy, "Not a funny joke."

"Yeah right, Pettigrew." Marlene scoffed, Selene and Lily were making eyes to each other from across the room.  "No offense, but we all know that it a lie." Alice nodded in agreement. "No, no." Selene said, shaking her head. "I have seen him do it before. He is able to transfigure himself. James taught him" Lily smiled, "Yes! I have seen it too. Potter was boasting about it."

"This is true?" Alice asked, turning to the Marauders, including James who has just woken and was sending daggers to the blonde boy.

They all nodded, "You know me! Always bragging." James said, his tone an octave higher. What a horrible liar. "Okay..." Marlene said, shooting Peter a confused look. "Have a good day!" Lily called after them, Marlene and Alice had left to go hangout with their partners.

"You covered for us- for me." Remus exclaimed, giving the two girls a look of pure admiration. "Of course we did." Lily smiled kindly, stepping forward to take the sandy-haired boy's hand in her's. "We figured it out a few years ago, I think it was." Selene said, "We just never said anything about it, we figured you would come to us at some point."

"I would've, I promise." Remus replied, "Thank you for keeping my secret, it means everything."

"Of course, Remmy!" Selene said, smiling. "We love you so much. And I don't think of you differently. You are still and will always be the book loving chocolate enthusiast we all love. There is so much prejudice on lycanthropy, don't ever ever let it make you feel any less than you are."

Remus' eye's welled up slightly with tears, at the girls words. "I appreciate it." Is all he was able to get out. "Sorry," Selene said sheepishly, "You have probably heard that whole speech a million times."

"We tell him it fifty million times a day!" Sirius sing songed. "It means a lot coming from you." Remus smiled gratefully. "Now, wormtail. You really need to think before you transform." James said, giving him a pitying look. "And before you say you're a death eater." Selene said. "Yeah you cannot say that these days." Lily added.

"Now James, I am offended you didn't tell me you are a literal stag." Selene shook her head dramatically. "Gotta keep Moony's secret!"

Selene and Lily smiled before walking up the steps back up to the girls dormitories, not without hearing Sirius' voice, "What possessed you to turn into Wormtail for that?"

Selene was currently in the transfiguration classroom with Professor McGonagall (Minnie!) talking about what her plans for after Hogwarts was. Selene had always wanted to be a healer, with Lily. But these days she had been thinking about something, with the looming war over their heads. She had an idea. But nobody could know. "So, Miss Ray," McGonagall started, "What are your plans for after your school

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