35 - she can have a little fun

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Selene was in her kitchen with her parents. It would be the last time she saw them before the next summer. Selene was staying at James' for the last weekend before school started. She had yet to tell him that she was returning to school.  The boy would be absolutely ecstatic to hear that she would be coming back and that she made Head Girl with him. He had been hiding it but she could tell that he was disappointed that she was not coming back to school. And if she was being honest she was a little sad about not coming back too.

The girls had already written to both Marlene and Alice. Informing them that they had decided to return. Marlene and Alice also agreed and were now coming back as well.

"I am so proud you made head girl." Her mother gushed. "Yeah, kid, I knew you had it in you!" Her father beamed, "Stay six feet from the Potter boy in your dorm at all times."

"Atty!" Marie gasped, "She can have a little fun!"

Selene's eyes widened she covered her ears as she ran up the stairs. "I'm not having this conversation with you!"

Selene entered her room to see a letter awaiting her.

Dearest, Selene

I am so excited to have you! I got new patterns for crochet, I cannot wait to show you. Be here around five for dinner? You can apparate over anytime before or after if you can't do five. Can't wait to see you again.


Selene was sitting at the table with the Potter family. Right next to James across from Euphemia and Fleamont. "So, Selene, we hear you are a natural legilimens how did that happen?" Fleamont asked curiously.

"I would just hear random people's thoughts flow into my mind at the start, I would ignore it at first but then it would happen more and more."

"Cool!" Fleamont said, "I always wanted to be one, I got stuck with a boring mind."

Euphemia shared a look with Selene of amusement. "I also see that you and I went into the same profession. I absolutely adored being a healer, I was one for a while at St. Mungos. I worked in artifact accidents. Bloody trouble that one was, the number of things that backfire. What category are you hoping to work in?"

"First Floor: Creature-Induced Injuries," Selene said, "It's the one that interests me the most."

"That was my second choice! Good choice, Sel."

"Hey, James?" Selene said, she was leaning on the door frame of James' bedroom. She was about to go to bed but thought to tell James the news before. "I have decided to actually come back to Hogwarts. I want to finish school before I start my career."

James looked up from his bed with a huge smile, "I'm so glad, I was going to miss you too much."

Selene smiled, "And I made Head Girl..."

James jumped up from his bed to embrace the girl in a tight hug, "Oh we are going to have so much fun. I cannot wait."

They pulled away and James grabbed her face softly and leaned in to kiss her. "Thank you merlin." He said in between. "Godric, I love you."

He pulled away with wide eyes, "I- I didn't mean-"

"I love you too."

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