15 - amortentia

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short chapter but, extra chapter!

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short chapter but, extra chapter!

-.:^*+ "YOU SMELLED BOTH?" +*^:.-
January 6th

IT WAS THE FIRST DAY BACK from the winter holidays

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IT WAS THE FIRST DAY BACK from the winter holidays. The grounds of Hogwarts were covered with a thin layer of white snow, all leaves had fallen and disappeared. The Black Lake was frozen over, the giant squid was nowhere in view. Students were ice skating and catching snowflakes on their tongues. Selene currently sat in Slughorn's classroom in the dungeons, fiddling with her rainbow clunky dangly earrings she got from Marlene for Christmas, which Marlene had very much approved of when she told her she looked "extra hot".

Everyone was gathered around a table, "Today, I will be teaching you about this mystery potion..." Slughorn pointed over to a cauldron, "Can anyone tell me what they think this is?" To nobody's surprise Lily raised her hand, Selene would've, but Sirius thought it would be funny to continuously poke her arm with a quill.

"That is amortentia, sir. It's the most powerful love potion—" "What?!" Selene whisper shouted, turning her head to face the man child, "Hi!" Sirius waved with his winning smirk, "Yes, Black?" she rolled her eyes playfully, looking back up towards Slughorn, "It smells different to everyone according to what attracts them." Lily finished. "So," Sirius started in a sing-songy voice, "What is all the gossip with you and James, all the smooching?" He asked as he dragged the quill up her arm teasingly. "It is too early for this," Selene replied dryly shaking her head, though, there was a faint smile playing on her lips. Sirius huffed and poked her once again and then proceeded to pout and fake cry, "Why not, Selly pooh baby?" He batted his eyes, "Oh my Godric, never call me that again, Siri pooh baby." Sirius chooses to ignore that, "Come on! Wormtail is normally the gossip, but I am a close second. Tell the great Sirius Black the scoop." Selene rolled her eyes, "Sirius, N-"

"Black, Ray!" Slughorn cut Selene off, "Since you two seem very enamored with the topic, please enlighten us on what you smell."


Sirius strolled up to the cauldron and dunked his head in, "Mr. Black!" Slughorn bellowed, his voice a pitch higher than normal. Selene snorted and looked up to see James and Peter laughing, Remus looking disappointed, and everyone else amused, except for Lily who looked mortified. "Miss Ray, please refrain from plunging your head into the potion, after that please escort Mr. Black to the hospital wing," Slughorn's eyes moved from Selene to Sirius, who was making googly eyes at someone across the room. "As we wait, Black, what did you smell?"

"Myself." He shrugged, though he was still making googly eyes. "How endearing," Slughorn said dryly.

Selene raised her face from the cauldron, "I smell, Broomstick wax, butterbeer, birch trees, and a musky scent."

"Very good, Ray, Please escort Black to the hospital wing."

As Sirius and Selene were making their way out of the room they heard Remus' voice saying, "You smelled both?!"


IT WAS LATE THE SAME NIGHT and Selene, Lily, and Marlene were getting ready for bed, (Alice was already passed out.) "So, an interesting lesson in potions today?" Lily said, looking over at Selene from the vanity, "Yep." Selene replied hopping into bed. "Oh come on! Share who you smelled, almost everyone looked confused except for Remus, he knows everything."

Selene laughed, "I think the real question is who did you smell?" Marlene gasped, "Don't turn this around, answer the question! Unless of course, you smelled me, which, I would not be surprised I am a catch!" Marlene walked over to the bedpost of Selene's bed and smirked, "Merlin, you are so full of yourself," Selene scoffed, "Yes Mar, I am totally, utterly, and completely in love with you. I am so sorry I have never told you." "I knew it!" Marlene squealed, "Lils, I told you she was," Marlene ran over to Lily, "I figured it out, I am genius."

Lily rolled her eyes and walked over to Marlene's nightstand and picked up a piece of parchment and read, "Broomstick wax, butterbeer, birch trees, musky scent, is that how you smell, Marlene?" Marlene shrugged, "No, it's okay though, Selly, I forgive you. The feelings would be unrequited anyways." Selene rolled her eyes, "I am offended, Mar," She got up from bed and walked over to Lily and yanked the parchment out of her hands, "You wrote down what everyone smelled?" "I didn't! Marlene did because she is nosy." Lily laughed, "I am not!"


SELENE RAY: Broomstick wax, butterbeer, birch trees, musky scent

LILY EVANS: books, treacle tarts, broomstick wood

REMUS LUPIN: leather, hair gel, parchment

JAMES POTTER: Pistachio, salted caramel, butterbeer, birch trees, lilies


ME: White chocolate, butterbeer, books

Dorcas Meadows: Cherries, fire whiskey

"James seems to be having a dilemma," Selene muttered to herself.

AN: James 💀 another extra upload to THANK YOU FOR 600 READS AHH!

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AN: James 💀 another extra upload to THANK YOU FOR 600 READS AHH!

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