26 - marlene is hot and awesome org.

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It had been days since the incident near the Black Lake occurred. Selene and Lily were still pretending that the Marauders never existed. Selene never cared for Snape much, it was a mutual feeling. He and Lily had some kind of friendship that she didn't understand, so she stayed out of it.

James and Snape had always had a rivalry. Nobody was innocent, but the way James had acted made Selene nervous. Of course, she would forgive him. But she was done waiting for whatever their relationship was.

It had been months of drama.

"I still cannot believe it," Lily huffed, "I know you don't care for Severus, but he is my friend!"

Selene looked over at her friend sadly, "Lils, he called you and I a mudblood."

Lily nodded, "He didn't mean it, he was showing off." Selene looked over at the Marauders from the other side of the Gryffindor table, then her eyes drifted over the Slytherin table where Snape was sitting the purebloods. "It wasn't," Selene said, "Whenever you're ready to understand it, you will."

"I wish that the blood prejudice would disappear," Lily said, shaking her head. "It is not okay."

"I hope that someday someone will make an organization on the protection of muggleborns with the addition of people to heal the wounded that may not feel comfortable going to a hospital." The red-head said.

A bizarre thought came to Selene's mind,
it was crazy but possibly brilliant. Lily and Selene had always wanted to be healers, both were very talented with healing spells and potions. "Why don't we start it then?" Selene asked, "I mean we can't just sit back and watch. We have always wanted to be healers. This way we would be fighting you-know-who as well."

"You're serious?" Lily asked looking over at the girl sitting beside her. "Why not?" Selene shrugged, "I never wanted to physically fight in the war, this way I wouldn't be but I would still be involved."

"I'm in."

"We could ask Alice and Marls if they want in? I know they don't have plans of becoming healers but we could ask?" Selene asked.

"So like a club?" asked Marlene. "No, not like a club. Like an organization."

Marlene and Alice shared a look before turning to the two girls and nodding, "You know we would follow you anywhere."

Selene nodded, "We would too."

"Goodness!" Lily cried out, "We are really doing this?"

"We are really doing this." Selene smiled.

"How do we start?" Alice asked curiously, "I am good at defensive spells, I could transport the people to wherever 'headquarters' would be?"

They nodded in agreement. "What should we be called?"

"Marlene is so hot and awesome organization?"

"Marlene!" Alice hit the blonde over the head with her copy of the Daily Prophet. "What about like MALS? For Marlene, Alice, Lily, and Selene?"

"Nobody would know what we are doing." Lily pointed out. "Wouldn't that be good though?" Selene started, "I mean, We don't want people knowing what we are doing anyway, do we? Only the people we are helping."

"I agree." Marlene said, "We should get others involved, we cannot do this just the four of us."

"Okay," Selene said, she went over to her bed and pulled a long piece of parchment out of her bag, writing down "MALS" she signed her name.

"Sign your names, so we can keep track." The girl said, handing Alice the parchment.

All the girls signed the piece of parchment

Selene Ray
Alice Fortescue
Lily Evans
Marlene Mckinnon

"So this is it?" Alice said, with a nod of her head, looking at her friends she had come to know and love over her years at school. "This is it." Lily smiled.

author note:
short chapter!
I will be updating a new
chapter this coming
Monday but it will be very
chaotic so think of this as the calm
before the storm.

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