06 - unexpected ravenclaw

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Last night was awkward, to say the least, Selene ended up with a re-spin since the bottle landed in between Lily and James, the bottle then landing on Alice, which was also awkward. But the awkwardness of the encounter wasn't the biggest battle going on in Selene's mind, it was the fact that she wanted it to land on him, land on James Potter, the man who her best friend was now dating. 'What a great friend I am' Selene thought to herself.

It was a sunny day the next morning, the day of the Gryffindor vs Slytherin quidditch match. The girl's dormitory alarm rang that morning, extra loud it seemed or maybe it seemed extra loud because of the 'late night' the previous night, who knows for sure.

"So, you finally said yes to Potter?" Selene questioned while pulling her hair into a low ponytail, "Not entirely, I said I would consider hanging out as friends with him. I just don't like him like that but there could be a friendship!"

There it was, a shred of hope that maybe just maybe they wouldn't end up together. Wait, what? Selene does not like James, why would she care if they were dating or not. Godric. All that mattered was her red-haired best friend was as happy as she could be. If that happiness could be found with James Potter, then so be it. Selene would live.

"Potter, always the one for dramatics," Marlene grumbled from her bed. "Oh come on Mar, I know you enjoyed that party maybe a little too much." Selene laughed, "You're one to talk,
both you and Mar were dying while we were playing spin the bottle," Alice said while re-entering the dormitory from god knows where probably off flirting with Frank Longbottom. "I think we all know what I was talking about," Selene grinned devilishly at the girls. "Shut up, shut up." Marlene groaned "We will never speak about what happened!" Lily, Selene, and Alice all glanced at each other knowingly but moved on.


Selene was dressed in head to toe — Gryffindor gear. Cheering alongside, Alice and Lily. It was 50 - 49 with Slytherin in the lead, James was doing brilliantly if Selene said so herself, he was a great chaser, team captain, as well. If Selene was being honest she had no idea how Quidditch went except for the game ends when the golden snitch is caught. Marlene was a brilliant seeker, most people in Gryffindor had full confidence that she can pull it off and win the match.

Charles Jordan was the commentator on the game, Selene loved his remarks on the games, he made them way more enjoyable. "And Potter is chasing down Malfoy, why is he doing so? who knows! And Mckinnon is still looking for the snitch, a catch she is, Black you should get on that!" Charles yelled into the mic, "JORDAN!" McGonagall warned, "Alright, Alright Minnie! No need to get your knickers in a twist."

Charles and McGonagall bickered back and forth for the whole rest of the match.


Gryffindor Lost. Evan Rosier caught the snitch before Marlene, Slytherin won by 10 points. Gryffindor's had a party in the common room planned, assuming that they were going to win, they had everything from firewhiskey to chocolate frogs ready to celebrate. So they had a 'losing party', where they were drinking out of disappointment. Nonetheless, they were together sharing the loss.

"Sucks right?" Edward Chang asked from beside Selene, "Yes but, who doesn't need to be humbled," Edward laughed from beside her, "How did you even get in here? Aren't you in Ravenclaw?" Selene asked curiosity evident in her eyes, "Well we Ravenclaws are supposed to be smart," Edward laughed, again. "I'm not even gonna ask." Selene sighed, her eyes still on Edward. "I have seen you around before, you seem real nice,"

Edward Chang, a sixth-year Ravenclaw, Selene had known him all her life, he was a nice and respectful man. She met him for the first time in Charms, them being in the same year and Gryffindor and Ravenclaw got on pretty well.

"Same for you, I have wanted to talk to you for a while now, I just never got the chance since you are always with Evans." Edward said, "I have known her since I was four, we are inseparable, but, feel free to approach me anytime." Selene smiled at the Ravenclaw boy beside her, "I might just take you up on that."

Selene smiled, at that moment she did not care whether or not Lily and James went out or not. She was just in the moment enjoying talking to someone. The conversation flowed on and on, the Gryffindor making jokes and the Ravenclaw retorting with witty remarks and comebacks. What seemed to be a perfect match.

Little did she know, a messy-haired bespectacled boy was staring at her from across the room. a pang of what felt like....jealousy? flowing through him though, he did not know why.


I am thinking of writing another hp character fic soo are we interested in that?

I was going to make the chapter longer but, who doesn't love a good cliffhanger?

word count: 914 words next chapter will be longer


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