13 - the potter manor

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.."-'., "DID WE WALK IN ON SOMETHING?",.'-".

"READY?" LILY ASKED SELENE, the two witches were getting ready in Selene's bedroom for Potter's Christmas party

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"READY?" LILY ASKED SELENE, the two witches were getting ready in Selene's bedroom for Potter's Christmas party. Selene had just finished her eyeliner after what seemed to be a thousand times. Who decided to make it so hard? Selene had thought.

The current date was, December 24th, tomorrow is Christmas day. Lily and Selene had just finished getting dressed and the red-haired girl was about to lightly curl Selene's hair.

"I always am," Selene replied, slightly checking herself out in the vanity ahead of her. "Are you excited?" Lily asked, twirling a piece of Selene's hair on the curling wand. Normally, Selene would just use a spell to curl her hair, but she was underage and currently at home. So, if she fancied being kicked out of school she had to resort to the muggle ways. "Yeah, I like James and Remus and you so, I have my people to hang out with," she replied.

"I will be sticking by you all night," Lily replied, "unless, I find a cute guy."

Selene laughed, "Future husband?" "Perhaps," Lily smirked.


SELENE AND LILY ARRIVED AT the Potter Manor, James had owned Selene the previous night saying, to floo over to his house at 7:00 sharp. "Welcome, Selene and Lily." Fremont Potter said, patting Selene's back, "Euphemia insisted you came an hour early so you could hang out with James and his friends... go ahead and head upstairs, you will know which room is James' from the noise."

The brunette witch laughed and the ginger smiled.

Selene and Lily made their way up to where the sound of laughs was coming from, they approached the door where they heard the voice of Sirius Black, "Come on, Moony..."

Sirius' voice was cut off with Lily knocking on the door, the door opened to reveal Sirius Black in a Mrs.Claus costume holding up what appeared to be a Santa Clause costume. James was sitting beside Remus with a red nose and reindeer antlers. Peter who was the one who had opened the door was laughing at the scene unfolding ahead of them. Lily and Selene exchanged a questionable look as is said, "What did we just walk in on...?".

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