14 - new years day

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..'-*+ "HE SAID YOU WERE PRETTY" +*-'..

THERE WAS GLITTER ON THE FLOOR after the party. Selene and Lily hosted a new years eve party, in the simple way to describe it would be, hectic. There was a point where Sirius had dragged himself and Peter up onto the coffee table, and just like James' Christmas party, He belted the words to 'Good old-fashioned lover boy'. It was a good thing that Selene's parents were out with the Evan's (not including Lily) otherwise, their ears would be traumatized from the very off key version of the song. Other than that the group including, Selene, Lily, James, Remus, Sirius, Peter, Marlene, Alice, and Frank Longbottom, nothing very big happened. Oh, except for the new years kiss shared between two people.

"I hate clean up." Selene pouted, as she swept up glitter from the confetti that turned out to be glitter poppers. It was a muggle thing Marlene adored, so she toke it upon herself to give one to everyone. Of course, when a Pureblood wizard who had had little to no experience with "muggle contraptions" tries to use one, it naturally blows up in ones face, not name names. Sirius Black.

"It will look nice once it's finished." Alice replied, The four girls always had a tradition of sleeping over at whoever's house was hosting on new years. As for the boys they all went back to their respective homes. "I know, Thanks for helping, you two." Selene said, looking at both Lily and Alice, Marlene however, was laying on the couch regretting her life.  Lily and Alice gave her a small smile and nod, as for Marlene, "Anytime, Sel, Anytime!" Selene looked blankly at the blonde,
"And how exactly are you helping?" Marlene looked offended and she opened her eyes to glare at the girl, "I am obviously making sure you do it right! I can't do that if I were to be doing manual labor as well." She finished, rolling her eyes.

Selene shot a look at Lily and Alice, who like her were shooting her a look as well, as if saying, "is this girl serious?".  Though, something odd occurred, it was as if Selene could hear her two best friends thoughts. No, no way we are just close I know them very well, that's why. the brunette thought to herself.


EVERYONE HAD GONE HOME. Selene was now sat in her bedroom. She had just changed into comfortable clothing consisting of, an crimson crop tank top paired with plaid bottoms with a Gryffindor emblem placed on her upper thigh.

Tap, Tap, there was a noise at the window. A white snowy owl pecked at the glass. Selene looked up from her book, it was James' owl. She knew this of course from how often his parents wrote to the boy. She opened the window to let in the owl, "Hey, Carlow!" she greeted. Carlow hooted in acknowledgment and flew into her room landing on her desk, "What do we have here?" Selene asked as she untied the envelope attached to the owl. She tore open the wax seal and read:

Dear, Selene

It was so nice to finally meet you at our party. James has told us so much about you, (He said you were pretty but didn't do you enough justice).  My husband and I would like to thank you so much for the help before the party and after, you really didn't have to. Also, again, thank you for the flowers, they are truly beautiful and are currently sitting in the middle
of our dining room table. Please do come by for dinner some time this summer. Have a great rest of your holidays x.

Euphemia Potter

Selene smiled down at the parchment, she truly liked James' mother. She was a very kind woman.  "Can you stay a second so I can also send a letter?" She asked the owl, He hooted in what she assumed to be a  "yes". "Here, let me give you a treat," Selene said while walking over to her bedside table and pulling open a drawer that contained owl treats. Selene herself also had an owl named, Athena, (After her favorite greek goddess.) She walked back over to wear Carlow sat and gave him a treat, in which he happily accepted. The brunette witch then proceeded to take out her parchment and eagle feather quill and wrote:

Dear, Euphemia

It was so nice to finally meet you as well. James in return has also told me all about you. (He was right, you are a very kind woman.) It was no problem at all, I actually quite enjoy preparation of parties. I am glad you liked the flowers, roses are my personal favorite. Thank
you so much, for having me over, it was so much fun. (you're quite the baker.) I
would love to come by this summer for dinner. Write anytime, Have a good new year!

Selene Ray

Selene  folded up the letter and slipped it into a  lavender envelope and tied it to Carlow. And just as the owl was there he was gone.


SELENE ELARA RAY WAS ATTEMPTING TO FALL ASLEEP, but, her thoughts were haunted, haunted by the kiss that should've never  have happened. Yes, she liked it. But, they hadn't talked yet. (By they she means James and her.) She didn't know if it meant to James what it meant to her. Deep down in her bones she knew that the stolen new years kiss meant at least something to him, if he was just passing the time with her until Lily finally gave in, she did not know for sure.

It was ten seconds to midnight, indicating the new year. A new year of, chances and love and heartbreak. Though, they didn't know this at the time but this year would arguably be the best year of their life. Normally, Selene would make a promise to herself at a start of a new year, but not this year. This year she wanted to be effortlessly herself, not what anyone wanted her to be or thought she was. She was going by the beat of her own drum, not anyone else's.

Well, I bet you can guess what happened at midnight.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!!" Everyone yelled at once.

They were all in pure ecstasy, celebrating the new year with the people they loved most in this world.

AN: is plot coming oh my?!

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AN: is plot coming oh my?!

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