cutout scene - extra scene.

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Lily sighed as she flung herself on the bed of the girls dorm, "She won't admit it,"

Alice looked up from her book, "Who won't admit it?" She asked curiously raising a brow.

Lily looked over brushing a piece of her red hair away from her face, "Selene,"

"Lils," Alice started walking over to the girl, "I'm going to need you to elaborate more on this."

Lily rolled her eyes and rolled over, "She is obviously falling for Potter and won't admit it, I don't even  think she can see it herself!"

Alice nodded, she had already thought on the subject being more of the quite one. "I think she is aware."

Lily looked at her and shook her head, "No she would definitely do something about it — or at least tell me. I'm basically her sister."

"No, I think she knows but has pushed it down so far where she thinks it but won't do anything. Out of loyalty to you or she is scared." Alice said.

Lily was about to respond when the door to the room flung open to reveal non other than Marlene Mckinnon herself.

She came strolling in lazily with black sunglasses on.

"What are you doing?" Alice asked glancing at Lily with a confused face.

Marlene gave no response but kept walking — strutting — into the room.

"Mars?" Lily said.

"I'm just simply being too cool for school." The blonde said simply.

Alice slowly nodded and then looked back over at Lily, "Okay, go on."

"No way, with her ex—"

Marlene quickly tore of her glasses, "We are talking exes?" She then proceeded to move herself in between them on the bed almost knocking off the two. "Okay, who broke up? I expect all the details. I have been waiting for some good drama."

Alice shook her head with a small smile, "Selene and James, they aren't together but obviously have a thing for the other. We were just talking about it."

Marlene laughed loudly, "You are just figuring this out now? Remember when she thought Lily and James had gotten together? She looked disappointed and then failed to hide it well."

Lily's eyes practically blew out of their sockets, "She what?!" The redhead shrieked.

"Old news, Lil." Marlene said, "And don't even get me stared on Potter. The bloke stares at her."

"He does." Alice agreed.

Lily shook her head in disbelief, "With her ex she was quick to admit she fancied him."

"Yes but this is James." Alice pointed out.

"The same James who has been chasing after you forever." Marlene added.

"I need to talk to her and tell her it is okay then." Lily said.

an: I know this book has finished, but I couldn't help but upload this scene. This part of the story still exists you guys just didn't get to see it. I have multiple cut out scenes from the span of Ecstasy that just didn't make it into the final cut. I thought as a holiday special I would update this small scene from the girls that was supposed to be in one of the chapters. Happy reading. I also have a new book out so read it!

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