extra scene - party!

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SELENE AND LILY were walking up the staircase to the Gryffindor Common room. The heels of their shoes clanking on the marble as they neared the portrait hole.

The duo had just met up to walk back together. Selene coming back from her friend, Daisy.

Lily coming back from the library after Madam Pince had to practically throw the poor girl out.

When they had arrived at the portrait hole. The sound of blaring music could be heard. "What the  hell is that?" Lily asked skeptically, glancing over at the brunette.

"Oh," Selene started, looking at Lily in mock confusion, "You didn't know? The boys are throwing one last party for the final year here."

"Oh," Lily mumbled, "I suppose then, I shouldn't shut it down?"

"It would be rude to," Selene stated, giving the red-head a grin, "Why not party one last time?"

Lily bursted out into tears, "Oh Selene!" She cried, "I can't believe we're leaving!"

"Yes, but we are gonna be healers, Lil! Like we always dreamed of," Selene smiled widely, but then her smile slowly faded away, "And we can fight, we shouldn't just be sitting around here when there is a war brewing."

"You're right," Lily sighed.

When the girls emerged from the portrait hole. Selene was met with arms wrapping around her waist. She smiled and wrapped hers around the one and only: James Potter.

"Hey," he mumbled into her hair.

"Hey," Selene smiled back, pulling away to look at him with a small smile.He leaned in to softly peck her lips.

"You guys are insufferable!" Marlene shouted.

"Like you can talk, Mckinnon!" Sirius called over, his arm draped over Remus. "How is Macdonald?"

"She is doing amazing, thanks for asking!"

Selene laughed silently, "This party isn't as big as I thought."

"Yeah, I would've thought it would be all of Gryffindor!" Lily commented, sitting on one of the armchairs.

"We figured for our last hurrah, it would just be our friends." Remus spoke up.

"It was your idea," Sirius corrected him, "James and I were even going to let in the first years!"

"Yeah," James said, pointing over to a table, "We even had an autograph station, for people to say goodbye, get pictures, all of that."

"You're joking..." Lily sighed dissatisfaction etched on her face.

"Oh my merlin," Selene sighed walking over to the table James had just pointed at. Lo and behold, they were not joking. There was in fact pictures of Sirius and James on the table, with their signatures on them.

"Tell me you have a big ego, with not actually telling me you have a big ego," Alice said quietly to Lily, who laughed loudly.

"Hey!" Peter spoke up, "I thought it a pretty good idea!"

"Of course you did," Marlene mumbled to Selene who had joined her on the floor.

"He just wants to fit in," Selene argued.

"Whatever," Marlene whispered, resting her head on the brunettes shoulder.

After a few moments of silence, Marlene spoke up again, quietly whispering, "Hey, Selene?"

"Yeah, Marls?"

"We are still on for getting married at the age of thirty eight and nine months, if we aren't involved with anyone, right?"

"Of course, Marls," Selene smiled widely, "But, I hate to tell you, that I might just think I will be involved." Her eyed wandered over to the boy with messy hair.

"You're so fake."

authors note: One last time. I wanted to write a small onshot, so here it is!

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