12 - dorcas

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..*+',- "MARLS?! YOU SHOULD TOTALLY GO FOR IT!" -,'+*...


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THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS HAD ARRIVED. The marauders, Selene, Lily, Marlene, and Alice all went home for the holidays. It was currently the 22nd and James' parents' Christmas party was tomorrow. Since the kiss with James neither had talked to each other. James looked at Selene non-stop the day following the kiss but neither had gotten a chance to speak properly.

Lily and Selene's family always spent Christmas Eve and Christmas day together. The two girls always sleeping over at Selene's house, so they could spend Christmas morning together.

Weirdly, Lily had been oddly quiet, only talking to Selene in front of their parents. Selene wondered what was making her so distant, though she didn't ask.

Until it had gotten to be annoying. The two friends were never like this, they were never distant with the other. They were practically attached at the hip. In most cases, when you would see the brown-haired beauty the red-haired girl was not far behind.

Finally, Selene made her way over to Lily's house. Selene needed a dress for James' Christmas Party. And, wanted Lily to tag along.

Selene knocked at the door of the Evans Cottage. She heard a "Coming!" from inside. Lily's sister, Petunia came to the door. Selene saw her face drop, the two girls were never close or anything but always could hold a conversation. Ever since Selene and Lily left for Hogwarts, Petunia distanced herself.

"Oh, it is you," Petunia said, "Lily is upstairs, come in, why don't you?" She said the last part in a sickly sweet voice that made Selene want to gag.

Selene entered the house and when she turned around to greet Petunia, she was gone. Selene rolled her eyes and began to walk up the stairs to Lily's room.

Selene and Lily are very similar, everyone knew it as well. The two girls do have a few differences, Lily has the nicest and purest soul. Selene has a pure soul but will not hesitate to spit fire at those who are rude to her, she especially will spit fire at people who make fun of her friends.

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