37- it's time to go.

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TW: minor/major character injuries

"So he just vanished?" a twenty-one-year-old Selene Ray asked, "Yeah." Lily breathed, they were currently standing together in the halls of St. Mungos. "Poor Alice." Selene shook her head sadly, "She was always there for me."

"She was there for us all," Lily responded. "Where is poor Neville going to go?" The brunette said, peering over at the two unconscious people in hospital beds. "With his grandmother."

"At least he will still have family," Lily added, "I am his godmother, I will be there for him, whenever he needs me."

"How did he survive the strongest dark wizard of our time?" Selene said, her eyes still wandering on the beds. "No one knows."

With a final shake of her head, "I need to go, I have a patient to check up on and then I need to get back home. Send Mathew my love, yeah?"

Lily nodded with a small smile before embracing her best friend, "Stay safe, Selly."

"You too, Lils."

The two girls watched each other grow into adults. Being with each other since the ages of six. Nothing could break that special bond the brunette and redhead shared, not even a war. The friends continued to stay in each other's life. Lily is the godmother of Selene's youngest, Eliza Marie Potter. ( Marlene and Selene had made a pact at the young age of fourteen to name each other godmother, for their firstborns.) Selene is the godmother of Lily's firstborn, Eviana Selene Evans-Noel.

"Selene?" Lily called as the girl started to walk away, "Hm?" Selene responded. "So it was Peter, really?"

Selene's eyes softened, "Yeah, really."

Lily gave her a small smile, "Never saw that one coming. Thank merlin for your gift, nobody is being blamed for his actions."

"Keep me updated on them," Selene said, her eyes had wandered back over to the two beds,
harboring Frank and Alice Longbottom. "They're not coming back from this, Sel," Lily responded, her eyes watering up.

"I know," Selene whispered.

"You don't need to come in tomorrow. You have a family." Lily said, "I only have two patients."

"You have a fiancé," Selene started, "And me. You do have a family."

"I love you," Lily responded.

Selene creaked open the door of her and her husbands home in Godric's Hollow. "James?" The brunette warily called out.

"Sel?" A voice rang out. She cautiously stepped into the house and walked towards the parlor, there sat James, Sirius, and Remus. "Oh thank godric." Selene gasped, "Everything somewhat

"Other than Wormtail being a traitor?" Sirius asked, "Peachy."

Selene rolled her eyes, "James?"

"Sel," He responded, "Harry and Eliza are upstairs, they are already asleep."

"I'm so sorry about Peter, but I am so relieved you lot are okay."

"Well he was a bit annoying anyways," Sirius responded dryly, "Traitor is in Azkaban."

"How did we not notice?" Remus whispered shaking his head, "He had been passing information for a year."

"He was one hell of a spy." James said, "I would've never expected him if it weren't for you, Sel."

"Good thing he was rubbish at keeping his mind hidden from me."

"What about Alice and Frank? Is it true? Is Voldemort gone?" James asked.

"Yes it's true. Voldemort is gone." Selene said, "Alice and Frank were already tortured to insanity by the time they got there. Poor Neville, he has a big scar on his forehead, shaped just like a lightning bolt. People are calling him the chosen one."

"So it's all over." Sirius breathed. "We can live now as we please." He looked at everyone.

"Yes." They all replied.

James took Selene's hand into his. She looked over at her husband. It took her six years to figure out it is him, and even then there were obstacles in their story. But, what is a story truly without it?

Nobody quite knew what the future held for them. They didn't know who would live or die. But, they knew that in this moment of time, they were relieved that they could raise there children without the fear of the dark lord. They won.

And they were in Ecstasy.

The End.

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