11 - kiss, kiss, kiss

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+':+°*. "WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO       SAY?" .*°+:'+

December 15th, 1978

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December 15th, 1978

MONTHS HAS PASSED since James and Selene hung out in Hogsmeade. It was now creeping up to the Christmas holidays. Selene had continued to tutor James, they decided that every, Monday they will meet by the black lake under the big birch tree they found that is hidden so they are not in sight; A good place to focus. That was when it was semi-warm out. Winter had arrived. the once autumn-colored leaves were nowhere to be seen. it was cold and snowy outside so their sessions resided in the study room in Gryffindor Tower.

James had started to grow closer to Selene, Talking to her more outside of their sessions, making inside jokes with her, and lightly flirting, in a platonic way of course.  His feelings for Lily were there but it changed, he no longer flirted with her or asked her out. People whispered in the hallway saying he had gone mad. Some even say he had a secret relationship.

Selene has now come to terms with her feelings, after a very awkward Hogsmede date with Edward the two had decided on being friends. Selene now had admitted to herself that it wasn't Edward that was her problem it was James. It was a tiny crush that meant nothing. He was obsessed with her best friend.

James had invited Selene and Lily to his parent's annual Christmas Party at the Potter Manor. Selene agreed on the spot, Lily hesitantly agreeing after Selene talked her into it.

Now, Lily and Selene were sitting in the great hall with the marauders, Alice, her boyfriend (Frank Longbottom), and Marlene and her random fling.

"I'm going to fail!" Selene groaned, her voice was muffled because she had her face covered by her hands, hitting her face repeatedly. Lily grabbed Selene's hands before they could meet her face, "You aren't going to fail if you had put as much time as I have. I am pretty sure you would be top of the class."

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