23 - aha!

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Selene was pacing in the bathroom, the clock reading four a

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Selene was pacing in the bathroom, the clock reading four a.m. She had just woke from having a rather peculiar dream, though it wasn't quite a dream. It was a memory, from when she was a child. Normally this wouldn't bother her, she would smile at the memory of her as a kid. This one however, was quite fitting with her circumstances. She had forgot the time she read her best friends mind, how could she forget?

At the time she had just thought she was a good guesser.

boy, how she was wrong.

She looked at herself in the broken mirror. It was shattered. The girls in the sixth year Gryffindor dorm never could be bothered to fix it, much to Lily's dismay, they wouldn't allow it. ( by they I mean Selene and Marlene.) Earlier that year the fat lady ( rude name, right? Selene thought as much. ) thought it a good idea to show all of Gryffindor house her stellar singing skills. Oops! Correction, Her pitchy voice trying to break a goblet held in her hand. Ending in the lady not so sneakily breaking the glass.

Selene and Marlene found this wildly funny. So as a treat for Lily and Alice, they held a contest to see who could be more pitchy and obnoxious. What made it even more hilarious was when it came to Lily finally giving in and giving the "singing" a try, she broke the mirror in the loo with her voice. Leading to Selene, Marlene, and Alice dying of laughter.

Her dark sepia eyes met the shattered glass, her bags visible from lack of sleep. Selene took a deep breath and straightened her hair out, ( it looked like a lion mane, for godric sake! ) She closed her eyes, hearing the rain pouring down from outside, she smiled lightly, though it did not meet her eyes. Her eyes opened again, meeting the blinding light of the room.

She had figured it out.

It was now six a.m. Selene had stayed in the bathroom with her thoughts, holding them closely and contemplating what her next step should be.

a storm was brewing in her mind. The brunette always thought she was perfectly ordinary.

student, friend, daughter.

She never thought she could be anything but. It could've been Lily who was special, or Marlene.

Not Selene Elara Ray.

Selene decided she needed a change of scenery to gather her thoughts.

She carefully creaked the old wooden door open, before sneaking out of the dorm. Selene tip toed down the staircase to the common room - where the fire was burning.

The girl walked over to the crimson red couch and plopped down with a huff. her eyes were focused on the burning fire in front of her. The flames reflecting onto her face, warmth meeting her body.

Selene was so stuck in her own mind that she didn't notice the messy haired boy sitting beside her.

James could see the worry on her face, he scrunched his face up, wondering why she was so worried. "Sel?" He said, "What are you doing up? It is six on a Saturday?" Selene jumped slightly, whipping her head over to meet his hazel eyes. "James," she breathed, "Nothing, just a dream."

"Oh," James replied, "You okay?" he nudged her arm gently. "Y-yeah, I a- will be." she responded to his question, nodding as she turned her head, focusing back on the flames.

"Talk to me." He whispered. Selene's breath hitched. "No." James furrowed his brows, "We may be in a spot right now, but I have known you for six years. We are friend first, always."

Selene's eyes softened, "I am a natural legilimens." she closed her eyes, and then
opened them, looking down to fiddle with the sleeve of her jumper.

James cocked his head back in surprise, "What?" Selene looked at him, "I am a natural legilimens."

"Cool." he said casually, "read my mind, yeah?"

Selene focused on him. Suddenly it was as if she had opened a door into his mind. His thoughts flooding into her mind like a story. "So?" He said, "What am I thinking."

Selene smiled, a real smile. "Thank you, James." she moved closer and rested her head upon his shoulder. He had a stupid smile on his face as he watched the dying fire.

They never talked about the thought that night. So we won't either.

She woke to giggling and a flash, Selene shot up from her position, to see the marauders, minus James. and the 'Gryffindor Bunch' except for Selene. Selene pursed her lips, staring at the group in front of her. "Good sleep?" Sirius asked, sniggering beside Remus.

her face cherry red, she scowled. "I fell asleep on the couch—" she stopped and lifted her head. she had fallen asleep on James Potter. "What...?" Selene's face suddenly morphed to one of embarrassment. "Well I really cannot deny it now, can I?"

They all shook their head, "No you really can't!" Peter added. Selene pursed her lips, "Well shut up, and burn that photograph." she pointed to the muggle polaroid in Remus' hand. "I am so glad!" Lily blurted enthusiastically, "Now that James likes you, I can date whomever I please."

Selene blinked a few times, "He doesn't." Marlene scoffed, "Oh of course he does!"

"Yeah mate, we can vouch for it," Sirius said, making eye contact with Remus. "The first few couple of months of—" he gestured between the two, "Whatever this is, he was so confused. Talking to us non-stop it was very repetitive and back and forth."

"Yeah!" Peter agreed, stepping forward, "He was always like- I love Lily, No I don't! I love Selene, Oh it is simply platonic!"

Alice giggled, "Happy for you, Sel."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Selene waved them off, "He isn't going to wake?" she pointed over to James who was still fast asleep.

"Oh no." Remus commented, "The bloke is a deep sleeper." Sirius wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, "especially when he is comfortable."

Selene huffed, and dramatically took a lumpy pillow from the couch and threw it at him. "Not friendly!" Peter squealed and ran around the common room before - turning into a rat.

All the girls blinked at him. "Did he just—" "Turn into a rat?" Alice finished for Marlene.

They all turned to the boys who looked, to put it simply, livid.

author note:
thanks for 5k reads!

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