33 - clean

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The way the day was going was not exactly how Selene had originally expected. The plan was for James to come over and for them to do something with Lily, but considering she was out with her new boyfriend the plan was scrapped.

So now James was rummaging through Selene's room asking what seemed like every other second was something was and its use. It baffled the brunette how long it took him to figure out the telephone.

"James," Selene sighed, she was standing in the corner of her room cringing at what he was about to find. "We should go to lunch, yeah?"

A wicked grin appeared on his face suddenly, "Sel, what is this?"

He was holding up what was her and Lily's wedding scrapbooks. Her face dropped, "Absolutely nothing for you to worry about." She ran over quickly to try and snatch it out of his hands but he was too quick.

"No, No, Selly," James smirked, holding the book over his head.  "I would love to have a look at this."

The messy-haired boy opened the first page of the bright pink book. I need to stop making books. Selene thought miserably.

What appeared on the first page was a portrait of a pink castle with two people outside, a bride and a groom.

"Okay!" Selene said loudly with an embarrassed smile, "I think that is enough for today."

Selene looked around the room in search of her cardigan to grab before they went out.

"We are in and out, okay?" Selene said to James, who gave her a thumbs up. The girl had left her powder blue cardigan in Lily's parlor. "Okay, Lily gave me a key, I'll be quick."

Selene turned to the lock and took out the key Lily had given her years back. She shot the bespectacled man another look before leading him inside.

Selene looked over the house searching for the piece of clothing. "Ah, there it is," Selene grinned walking over to the couch.

As she was picking up the cardigan a sneering voice came from behind her, "What are you doing here? And why bring another little freak along?"

Selene rolled her eyes and plastered on a friendly smile as she turned around to face none other than Petunia Evans. "Aw, Petunia, nice to see you. I am sorry for the intrusion, forgot my cardigan here the other day."

"Oh," Petunia said, "Well, I am off to Vernon's, lock the door on your way out."

"Of course, have fun," Selene responded. Petunia walked past her with her head so high Selene thought her nose might brush the ceiling. Petunia passed James pretending he didn't exist before slamming the door behind her.

James' eyes went wide and then they held something else as he said, "I want to see her room. See if it matches her personality." James whispered to the girl. She looked over at him, he had a hopeful expression painted on his face.

With a small huff, she agreed and took his hand in hers to drag him up the stairs. They passed where they would normally go, Lily's room. And turned the hall into Petunias.

Selene opened the door to the room and it was unnaturally clean. The desk had nothing on top of it and it's shone in a way Selene had never seen before and she went to Hogwarts.

James' jaw dropped open, "Oh my merlin," he said, "This, this is clean. I mean I have never seen anything like it. I would like to say my house is clean, except for my room. But it is nothing like this, this is like magic."

"Amazing," Selene said shaking her head in some sort of daze. There was no speck of dust to be seen, no smudge. It was like the room had never been touched. "I thought Lily was organized. This is like an operation room, but this is cleaner."

"What's an operation room?"

Selene just shook her head in response.

"I want to mess this up."



"Absolutely not, we only came because I forgot my cardigan. This is pushing it. Let's leave."

James sighed but left, not without dropping something in the room, going completely unnoticed by Selene.

"Alright, what did you want to show me exactly?" Selene sighed, sitting on her bed across from James who had something hidden behind his back.

"Oh, only my most genius invention." James scoffed jokingly.

"It's not an explosive, right?" She asked looking apprehensive.


"Okay, show me then."

James pulled out an old-looking piece of parchment.

"Parchment?" Selene raised a brow.

"Not just any piece of parchment." Said, James.

"I solemnly swear I am up to no good."


Suddenly words started to appear on the piece of parchment. Selene was absolutely baffled about what was going on.

Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs
Purveyors of Aids to Magical Mischief-Makers
are proud to present

"Wow," Selene said looking absolutely gobsmacked. "What is this?"

"The marauder's map." James said, " The magic used in the map's creation is pretty advanced, Remus did most of it; it includes the Homonculous Charm, enabling the possessor of the map to track the movements of every person at Hogwarts."

"Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs?"

"Moony is Remus, because well you
know. Wormtail is Peter, Padfoot is Sirius, Prongs is me."

"This is something else, genius."

"I know," grinned James. "We made it for mostly pranking, and other things but mostly for pranks."

AN: short chapter, I know. I was struggling with writers' block. Love u!

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