21 - seriously fallen

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SELENE AND LILY WERE STOOD IN THEIR DORMITORY, arguing for the second time ever. The first time ever being in primary school, pre Hogwarts when Lily lost her favorite muggle pen with a pink  fluffy top, Selene being the culprit.

"What do you mean you haven't told him?" Lily shrieked, she could not believe her friend had neglected to tell James the truth about the Polyjuice incident. "I have just been enjoying him." she said, "We are finally back to where we were, and I don't want drama. I just want him."

Lily sighed, her eyes softening, "You have seriously fallen." she took a step forward taking her brunette best friends hands into hers. "But you need to be honest with Potter. It is what he deserves."

"I know." Selene grumbled, she knew she should've told told James the moment she knew that Aiden was the one. "I have not fallen. He is just a very good friend who i have kissed like three times."

Lily smiled softly, she saw the way Selene's other relationships had gone. All failed and leaving the girl scarred. Naturally leaving Sel in denial after the incident with the bespectacled bloke. "Okay, Sel. Just know that I am here for you every step of the way—"

"—Starting with you telling him the truth." Lily finished dragging Selene out of the dorm. "You sit together in Potions, which is your first class! Tell him."


Slughorn was droning on, like always. Selene normally listened as he spoke, but today she was distracted with Lily's words. She looked over at him, he was doodling on his parchment mindlessly, Selene smiled slightly and moved her foot to bump his. He looked over at her, raising a brow. "What are you drawing?" She whispered.


She gasped, "No way, let me see."

James handed her the piece of parchment. There was a house and sun and grass. Standing on the grass was a stick woman with long brown hair in the front yard. "Oh my." she laughed, "I did not know that the James Potter was this talented. I mean- wow."

"I know I am so talented." he said raising his chin in the air, in all honesty James could draw very well when he was trying, but that was for him to know and for her to wonder. "Tell me something I don't know."

This probably was not the best way to tell James per say, but screw it. "I actually have something." Selene said casually, "Do you know Aiden Kane?"

James tilted his head, "Your ex?"

Selene nodded, "Well turns out he was like super jealous that I was being close with you. So he then thought it would be a stellar idea to Polyjuice as you, to flirt with Lily to make me hate you."

He furrowed his eye brows and turned to her fully, "Okay so first of all, how long have you known? Second of all, how do you know?"

"Funny story actually, I have known for weeks, the reason I didn't tell you sooner was because I didn't want to upset you. And he broke into my dorm to demand why I was hanging out with you. Then I asked him why he cared so much and he said, and I quote. 'Because I had to Polyjuice as him'. So then I immediately kicked him out."

"What is funny about that?" He asked seriously, "That is extremely concerning."

"I know, I know.." Selene mumbled, "I threatened to tell Mcgonagall, I think I am good now."

"Miss Ray!" Slughorn shrieked, "Why didn't you inform a teacher of this matter immediately?!" Selene pursed her lips, "Because I am not a snitch?" She looked across the room to see the disappointment in Lily's face. "Well I assure you Mr Kane will be having a talking to. Next time please tell a teacher of such issues."

Selene nodded looking at her feet in embarrassment, everyone was looking at her.

Slughorn continued on speaking as if nothing had happened but James mouthed to the girl "We are talking later."

SELENE HATED TO ADMIT IT, but she did not like care for magical creatures. She loved her teacher, but she could not for the life of her deal with flobber worms. They scared her a bit if she was being honest. She may of been a Gryffindor, and may of been the same lady who cleaned up merlin knows what off of the potions floor. Worms were where she drew the line, she could not deal with touching them without dry heaving or gagging. Selene did not know much about them if she was being honest, she was too focused on not vomiting.

So when a familiar Hufflepuff joined her side to help her do whatever they were supposed to do. (Selene also did not know.) She was very grateful.

"Daisy!" Selene greeted the girl, her hand covering her mouth after her last round of gagging. "Selene," Daisy laughed as she picked up  one of the worms and putting it somewhere, Selene looked away. "It looked like you needed some help."

Selene frantically nodded, "I am afraid so,"

Though Selene felt violently repulsed by the task in front of her she couldn't help but notice the iconic dragonfly clips placed in Daisy's hair. "Once again, I love the clips." she complimented.

"Once again, thank you." Daisy said, with a small
smile as she lifted another worm, earning a gag from the brunette. "You really don't like these things?" Selene nodded, "I really don't. I have childhood stories of bad experiences." Daisy laughed, "Care to explain?"

"Okay so you know how there are normally worms out after it rains?" Daisy nodded in confirmation, "Well, I used to like them. I would go out afterwards and pick them up and name them. Worms were my best friends, until one day one of my friends thought it humorous to put of in my hair."

Daisy gasped, "Not the hair!" Selene nodded, a hand on her heart in mock hurt.
"I screamed very loudly and then proceeded to vomit. Now, I cannot stand any type of worm."

"The only natural response." Daisy said, "We need to hangout soon, to do the dragonfly clips."

"Name a date and place and I am your gal." Selene replied. "Thank you for handling the worms.. I also did not know you were in the class?"

"I guess we never noticed each other, I just noticed you now because of the almost vomiting thing."

Selene sighed and looked down at her feet, (she was running very late that morning, so she had embarrassing mis-matched socks on.) "That isn't embarrassing at all!" Daisy smiled reassuringly, "I have seen Frank Longbottom faint while we were handling Mandrakes. Not from the crying, he just fainted."

Selene laughs out loud, "No way, I don't remember that." She made a mental note to inform Alice of this said information at a later time. "Oh yes, you were busy staring that day. Sprout had to re-direct your attention."

Selene pursed her lips at the memory. She may or may not of been staring at a certain boy that day. Oh, how oblivious she used to be.

"I must've been day dreaming." she shrugged as she lifted up her bag from the ground. Professor Kettleburn had just hollered that class was over. "It was so nice to see you again, Daisy." she smiled as she started to back away. "Goodbye, Selene." She replied, bringing what was Selene's job, (to bring up the worms) to the front.


an: this chapter doesn't have the usual setup (i will add it in later) happy monday! <3

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