09 - hogsmeade

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It was the day of the Hogsmede trip with Edward. Selene couldn't be more nervous. She just hoped he doesn't think this is a date though, she knew deep down it is. She also knew this is not fair to him, I know he likes me, but maybe it is simply platonic. She had tried to tell herself multiple times that morning.

Oh how she was wrong.

She figured it was time to get ready. Selene had a plan: make it obvious it is platonic, not a date. Selene felt horrible, she really did. Perhaps she could eventually like Edward, possibly, but that isn't fair to him.

Selene stroked a brush through her hair. The girl had gotten a haircut right before the start of this year.

Selene pulled on a random light blue jumper. Then, pulling on a pair of black leather pants.

Her mother is a muggle, she owns a boutique in London. Her father did some kind of job  involving a lot of numbers that he had explained to her countless times, but she never could quite understand what it was.

That is how Lily and Selene met, through their parents. The two girls moms met in school, the school some muggles go to after Highschool. You could say Lily and Selene were forced into being friends because of their moms but that is further from the truth. They are attached at the hip. Lily's parents are Selene's second parents and vise versa.

Lily also has a sister named Petunia. Selene got along pretty well with her until they went off to Hogwarts. Petunia liked to refer to them as 'weird' but Selene knew deep down she is jealous of her sister.

Selene finished her look with a matching light blue claw clip pulling her hair in a half up half down hairdo. She then proceeded to take out her makeup bag and pull out the following:
eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara, blush, and highlighter.


Selene walked down to the opening of the great hall to grab a quick breakfast before meeting Edward at The Three Broomsticks. When she woke up the dorm was empty, she had assumed the other girls were off at Hogsmeade or doing other stuff.

Selene peered over at the Gryffindor table to see the one and only Marauders. 'What could go wrong?' She ask myself while approaching where the four boys sat. " Top of the mornin'," Selene said while pretending to tilt a fake top hat at them.

"Never do that again." Remus replied dryly,

"What's got your knickers in a twist, sweet Remmy?" Selene laughed.

It was close to the full moon and she knew it. Selene didn't know for sure if her theory was correct, but the girl was pretty sure that Remus Lupin was a werewolf.

She would never tell anyone. She has never even asked him, not wanting to offend him if she was wrong. Lily and Selene figured it out in their fourth year after he got sick monthly all landing on the full moon and then he would come back all scratched up. It was none of their business, they probably wouldn't have even figured it out if  they didn't get assigned a paper on Werewolves.

Selene knew there is this huge prejudice against Werewolves. It was a cruel judgement on people who couldn't control what happened to them every full moon.

For a while, she thought Remus had a really bad period or something.

"Well, I was needing some more chocolate but these prats landed us in a detention with McGonagall," Remus replied looking bitterly at Sirius and James. "It was so worth it though, Moony."

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