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"Dylan, please do not drop my daughter." I told Dylan as he walked into my living room holding Amelia upside down. She was a giggling mess which I couldn't help but smile at.

"Hey, we're having fun, aren't we?" he looked down at Amelia.

"Yeah!" she cheered. "I getting dizzy."

He laughed and flipped her onto the couch making her giggle. Shelley, Tyler, and Phoebe walked into the living room with popcorn and drinks so we could watch Teen Wolf. Adelaine insisted on watching it and she just started season 3.

"Okay, Adelaine!" I shouted to her since she was upstairs in her room. Within seconds she came running down with her blanket and owl. She jumped onto the couch next to me and cuddled into my side.

"I'm ready mommy." she told me. I nodded and pressed play. Shelley and Tyler started fighting over one of the bowls of popcorn and I looked at Dylan who was beside me. He reached over and grabbed one of the buckets for him and Amelia who was on his lap.

So let me tell you something, Amelia and Dylan? Bestfriends. I swear every time he comes over it's like Christmas to her. It's adorable really and I'm glad that she gets along with him. Adelaine likes him a lot too especially since he always cooks for her. She likes to judge his skills which I'm not surprised by.

Amelia had her back leaning against Dylan's stomach with her little legs in between his long ones that were propped up on the coffee table. She had one of her small blankets over her while she ate popcorn from hers and Dylan's bucket.

I went to wrap my arm around Adelaine only to realize she was now curled into Dylan's side. He stole my mama's girl.

"You stole my children." I whispered to him. He looked down at the two girls who he wrapped his arms around.

"The ladies love me." he joked making me slap his arm.

"Stop it."

"Aww, you wanna cuddle too?" he teased and lifted up his arm. "There's room."

"You know what, yes I do." I smirked and laid my head on his shoulder. He smirked right back and pulled me into his side as much as he could with Adelaine right between us.

Third Person POV

Shelley looked over from her spot on the reclining chair and a smile made it's way to her face when she saw Katherine and her daughters cuddled up with Dylan. Him and Adelaine were still awake and he was running one of his hands up and down Katherine's back while stroking Amelia's head.

Adelaine looked so content with her head leaning into his side and her blanket wrapped around her. Shelley smiled when the little girl cuddled closer to him before closing her eyes.

Finally she let her eyes fall on Katherine. The woman looked so peaceful with her head on Dylan's shoulder and her arm draped over Adelaine. It was the first time that Shelley had seen her friend let herself open up to a man.

After James, her and Phoebe didn't think she'd find someone she wanted to be with. That's how in love she was with him and he ended up breaking her heart. All of their friends could tell by the way they looked at each other that Katherine and Dylan had feelings for each other. It was clear as day.

Except to them.

After the article that was released weeks ago and the whole ordeal on twitter, the two seemed to have grown closer. They didn't let it affect them and Dylan made sure that Katherine and the girls were okay after all of it. He started coming to her place regularly and making meals for the girls.

Katherine felt like she had a weight lifted off of her when she finally got the chance to relax more instead of constantly doing everything for the girls 24/7. Not that she didn't love doing it for her daughters. It was just nice to have someone help.

Shelley nudged Phoebe and Tyler who looked over at what she was looking at. They both shook their heads.

"They are both, so blind."

- - -

I woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon filling my nose. I fluttered my eyes open and saw Adelaine and Amelia asleep on the couch next to me. I looked around and realized that Shelley, Tyler, Dylan, and Phoebe were gone.

I stood up and gently moved Adelaine off of me before standing up. I rubbed my eyes and made my way into the kitchen where I saw Dylan at the stove cooking something.

"A man that cooks for me? Damn I scored." I joked which got his attention. "Goodmorning."

"Morning." Dylan smiled at me.

"I thought you left with everyone else?" I furrowed my brows.

"Well, I was going to but you guys were all sleeping on me so I didn't want to wake you." he said.

"Sorry about that." I brushed my hair back and looked down.

"Oh no, it's fine. I just thought I'd let you guys sleep in and make you breakfast." he said.

"You didn't have to do that." I told him.

"I wanted to." he turned around and smiled at me.

"It smells good in here." we looked over at Adelaine who walked into the kitchen rubbing her eyes.

"Mama!" I heard Amelia shout followed by what sounded like crying.

"Oh no." I went to get up but Dylan stopped me.

"Hey, I got it." he told me before walking out of the kitchen.

"Why's your sister crying?" I asked Adelaine.

"Remember mommy? She doesn't like waking up alone unless she's in her crib." she said.

"Oh yeah." a look of realization crossed my face. Well damn, I feel like a bad mom.

Dylan walked back in carrying Amelia on his hip with a pacifier in her mouth. Her eyes were glistening and she had her head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry baby. I should have woke you up." I said.

"'S 'kay mama." she mumbled and laid her head in the crook of Dylan's neck.

"How about you help me make breakfast?" Dylan asked her. "Adelaine too."

"Yeah!" Adelaine jumped up and walked over to a stool next to where the stove was. Dylan laughed and set Amelia on it too.

I couldn't help but smile at the three of them as Dylan made them both giggle and laugh the whole time. I know I was worried about getting into a relationship because of them but seeing how much they love to be around him just makes me wonder.

Would they even care?

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