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Halloween Day

"Mama, when's daddy coming?" Amelia asked as I got her dressed in her costume.

"He should be here soon. He's picking up some candy for the trick or treaters." I told her.

"Look mommy!" Adelaine came running in my room with her costume on. I smiled at her adorableness. "You think daddy will like it?"

"I think he'll love it." I laughed.

"I'm here!" we heard Dylan shout from downstairs. I smiled at the girls who were jumping in excitement.

"Okay Amelia put your skirt on." I told her.

"I forgot something!" Adelaine ran out of the room as I walked out with Amelia. I lifted her onto my hip and walked downstairs where Dylan was putting candy in a bowl.

"Dada!" Amelia got his attention. He looked over and smiled at us.

"There you are." she ran over and he lifted her up and kissed her cheek.

"I have a sucker?" she asked him and pointed at the candy bowl.

"Just one." he opened it and handed it to her. "So what are you dressed as?" he asked as he set her on the counter.

Adelaine ran down the stairs and I laughed when I saw what she grabbed from her room. Gizmo was running right next to her

"Look!" she ran over and held her arms out. Dylan looked at her and set Amelia down.

"What are you guys?" he asked with a chuckle.

Adelaine was wearing a flannel with jeans and a plastic baseball bat in her hands. Amelia was wearing a cute skirt and blouse with her hair in curls flowing down her shoulders. They looked adorable.

"We're Stiles and Lydia!" Adelaine said happily. Dylan laughed and shook his head. "And Gizmo is Scott." she pointed at the dog who barked once making me burst into laughter and lean my head on my hands on the counter.

Dylan looked at me with a look of amusement. "Did you pick these costumes out?"

"Nope." I shook my head. "Adelaine wanted to dress up as you so I suggested she goes as Stiles. Then Amelia found out what Adelaine was being and she wanted to dress up as her favorite Teen Wolf character."

"Oh Holland is gonna love this." he laughed.

"Already sent her a picture." I smirked.

"I gotta say, you make a pretty good Stiles, Ads." he told Adelaine.

"I know. I even got the bat to make it better!" she held it up.

"Well, you guys look adorable." he said with a smile.

"What're you gonna be?" Amelia asked.

"Actually, I've got a costume for me and mommy." he smirked and looked at me.

"I am not wearing some inappropriate costume." I told him.

"It's not inappropriate." he rolled his eyes. "Although you are gonna look hot in it."

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes.

"Go get dressed then! I want candy." Adelaine told us and pushed me towards the stairs.

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