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Halloween Day

Private Messages
Dyl<3 & Angel

Hey Angel, how's everything going

Pretty good. Beside Amelia throwing a million tantrums because you're gone

Ahh, my mini me misses me.

That was confusing

Anyways, can't wait to see their costumes and wish I could be there

Oh yeah, Adelaine is excited for you to see them

Well tell them I miss them both. I have to get going

I will. Still wish you could be here:( but I hope everythings going okay.
I gotta go too Tyler wants me to go pick up food for this small party we're having

Okay, talk to you later

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Private Message
Dyldo & T-Pose

Is she gone?

Yep. She just went to pick up the pizza with the girls. You can come in


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Katherine walked into her house with three boxes of pizza and the girls at her feet. They got a discount for wearing their Halloween costumes which was amazing.

Katherine and Phoebe were dressed up as bank robbers and Amelia and Adelaine were in adorable little cop costumes. They had empty water guns as their weapons and they kept pretending to shoot the two.

"I come in peace with pizza!" she called to all of her friends. Amelia and Adelaine ran into their play room while Katherine went into the kitchen where everyone was.

She set the pizza boxes down and everyone started to dig in. She opened up a soda and Tyler tried to take a sip.

"Hey, get your own." she pushed his head away.

"But I don't want a whole one just one sip." he whined. She rolled her eyes at his childish voice.

"No, I don't share my drinks or food with anyone." she told him.

"Not even me?" a voice spoke from behind her. She recognized it anywhere and spun around to see none other than Dylan standing there.

"Dylan!" she put the soda down and jumped into his arms. He laughed and wrapped his arms around her waist while her legs were around his. All of their friends smiled at their little moment.

"Oh my god how are you here?" she asked as she pulled away a little. "I thought you were filming."

"I convinced them to let me fly out for a few days." he said. She let out a happy laugh before she heard the girls playing in their play room.

"Oh my god, Amelia's gonna flip." she said. "Girls! Come out here!"

"For what mommy?" Adelaine shouted back. "Amelia's whining about Dylan again!"

Everyone laughed and Dylan couldn't help but smile.

"There's someone here for you."

They all heard the two girls coming towards the kitchen very slowly. Katherine stepped away from Dylan.

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