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Hi, honestly no idea who still reads this story/enjoys reading this story. But I wrote this story when I was 14 in 2013 and being on wattpad and part of this community and fandoms gave teenager me a purpose and enjoy being alive. I left wattpad in 2017 when I was at my lowest with my mental health and needed help the most. I had to give up writing and most things I loved doing the most because I used these as a distraction to not think about what i was going through and what i was doing to myself. I have in the past 4 - 5 years been in recovery and now I'm in a really good mind set where I don't think I'll end up how I was and I feel as though I can come back to writing. I'm now nearly 22 so picking up on this story and where i left it isn't much of an option because, 1) I am hating rereading this it's honestly so bad aha and 2) I cannot remember where I even wanted to go with this. Also so much has changed since I first wrote this story and I don't think it even reflects who I am as a person and especially as a writer. 

So I'm going to rewrite this entire story, going to be a long process but I think this will be a fulfilling experience and I'll be able to give this story new light and a direction it deserves to go and I'll get the chance to fix up mistakes, ages differences and timelines now. I have a new perspective on things and life, I'm not that same angsty 14 year old who used writing to deflect and sometimes shade people in my life. I've definitely grown up and I want my stories to do the same.

So while rewriting this one, I'll also rewrite some of my older stories that I took down. But also for future mentions this account will be primarily a Demi Lovato fan account and most of the stories will be Demi Lovato fan fiction with the occasional Lauren Jauregui fan fiction. Some of my previous stories I wrote and took down were fan fictions written about people because I knew they would get my account popular but now I know that as long as I write for myself it doesn't matter what stats my stories get or how many followers I have.

I'm super excited to be back and to write in my spare time and also to share the new rewritten stories with the wattpad community. I think that I might keep the original for this story up and have the rewrites as a new story because this was my first ever attempt at a fan fiction :)

Hope everyone one else has been well and are doing fine, dms always open to anyone struggling with anything, while i say that I do still have to protect myself so please be respectful :)

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