Chapter 5

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~Ashley's P.O.V.~
I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I went to get up but remembered everything that Tayler had said to me last night. I felt just as upset as I did last night and I really didn't feel like going to school. I was really not in the mood to talk to anyone. I know that may sound mean but Tayler's words keep ringing through my mind..

You're not a good singer

You sound like a dying cat

Everybody's lying to you

I've actually managed to convince myself that I'm not a good singer and that I shouldn't audition. But then if I don't audition I'll let down everyone. I'll be a disappointment, but I just don't know. I was stuck deep in my thoughts that I didn't even realise my mum had been trying to get my attention until she put a hand on my forehead.

"Oh Ashley dear, are you alright? You don't seem yourself and you are a little hot." My mum asks me.

Should I lie to my mum and say that I'm not feeling well.

"Actually...I'm not really feeling all that great can I stay home today?" I told my mun while faking a cough.

"Sure, but I'll be out all day so you will be alone. Just call me when you need and don't open the door to anyone." My mum said.

I just nodded and with that my mun left to take Josh and Olyviah to school. I got lost in my thoughts again but then I remembered getting a message from Rosie. I decided that I should message her back and apologize. I grab my phone and turn it on. I was greeted with 7 messages by Rosie. 

@ddlovatic: Hey Ash! 

@ddlovatic: Hellooo Ash?

@ddlovatic: Ash you there?

@ddlovatic: Do you not want to talk to me anymore? I'm worried.

@ddlovatic: Okay then Ash. But I'm still worried.

@ddlovatic: Are you okay? Is anything wrong. you can tell me anything.

@ddlovatic: P.S I'm still worried.

I didn't realise that she would be so worried over me. I feel really bad now that I made her worried. I decided that I had to message her. It was the only thing that I could do. I wanted to reassure her that I really did want to talk to her.

@DayumDemi: Hey sorry bout not replying. I just wasn't really in the right mind set. Sorry, but I really, really do want to talk to you. Don't ever think that I wouldn't want to. Last night just wasn't a good night.

I sent the message and waited for a reply it didn't take that long. I wondered if she was going to school because if she was then she would be late.

@ddlovatic: Omg! Ash! I was so worried but I am so glad that you are okay. What ever it is you can tell me I won't judge you or anything. But only if you want to tell me that is.

I was deciding whether or not I really wanted to trouble her, but maybe she could help. I still couldn't get over how worried she was. I was kind of cute I guess. I would most likely do the same thing. Even if we don't know each other. I realised I hadn't sent anything yet.

@DayumDemi: Okay..well I'll tell you...okay. Wait aren't you meant to be in school?

I asked, it only seemed fair. If she was at school then she wouldn't be reply as quickly. Maybe she had a free day or the she was actually not who she says she is...

~Demi's P.O.V.~

It was getting pretty late and I hadn't heard from Ash at all tonight. I was starting to get really worried. I mean wouldn't you? I sent the message like 2 hours ago, but maybe she's busy but no one is busy at this time of night! I was getting really panicky. I wanted to know that she was alright. No I needed to know, I couldn't sleep if I didn't. I even tried. 

I think I've sent about 7 messages and still no reply. It was nearly sunrise. Told you I couldn't sleep if I didn't know if she was alright. I know I don't know her but I just can't help it. It's my nature to worry and care for someone.

It was currently 6 and I had to get ready for X Factor. I got my clothes on and made my hair look presentable for now. I didn't do my make up because I get it done there just like with my hair. It was now 7:30am when I finished so I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs to greet the rest of the judges.

"Hi Demi. Did you have a good rest? Ready for today?" Ronan said with his Irish accent. I really like his accent! It's really cool!

"Hi and uh yeah I did." I lied. I felt bad for lying but I couldn't tell them the truth.

The limo arrived waiting to take us to the venue for today so we all climbed in and I was sat next to Dani so we talked and laughed the whole way there. Before I knew it we were at the venue. We got out but 1 at a time and we had to wait 10 minutes before someone else could walk in.

It was my turn to go and I got out and instantly there were people screaming my name. I did enjoy it but at times I really hated it, but as long as I saw the smile on my Lovatics faces I was happy. It always brightened my mood. I signed a few things and took a few photos before I was ushered into the building and straight into hair and make up.

When I was getting my hair done I pulled out my phone and tweeted a few things before I got a notification indicating that Ash had sent me a message. I was bursting with happiness that I got a reply that the person doing my hair had to tell me to stay still a few times.

I clicked on the message and read it.

@DayumDemi: Hey sorry bout not replying. I just wasn't really in the right mind set. Sorry, but I really, really do want to talk to you. Don't ever think that I wouldn't want to. Last night just wasn't a good night.

I was so glad that she messaged me! Even better that she didn't just stop talking to me but I was still really worried. I wondered if she wanted to talk to me about it.

@ddlovatic: Omg! Ash! I was so worried but I am so glad that you are okay. What ever it is you can tell me I won't judge you or anything. But only if you want to tell me that is.

I really hope that she can tell me whats wrong. 

@DayumDemi: Okay..well I'll tell you...okay. Wait aren't you meant to be in school?

Oh no. Crap. I forgot that I said I went to school. Okay quick. Think. What do I send back. I was getting really nervous thinking that she had caught me out. Okay...wait I got it!

@ddlovatic: Oh I got a free day. I was going to tell you last night but yeah...sooo you going to tell me?

I sent back really hoping she believed me. I mean I believed it. But if she saw me then she definitely wouldn't believe me. But if she saw me then she would know. OMG JUST STOP. I shouted it to myself in my head. I was getting myself worked up over nothing!

@DayumDemi: Oh okay I was thinking that. Okay anyway...I'm going to audition for X Factor on the 14th and all of my friends and nearly all my family said I should and that I'm a good singer and all that but then my older sister, Tayler, said that I shouldn't even bother and that I sound like a cat dying and I just got really upset over it. Like what if everyone else was lying to me to make me look like a fool? I'm sorry for this it's probably just nothing.

Aw poor girl. How could her sister say something like that. It was her sister! I do get that sisters are mean to each other and all that, sometimes my sisters and I may be like that in an argument or fight or something but never like that. But wait did she say she was going to audition for X Factor?!?! DOES THAT MEAN I'LL GET TO SEE HER?!?! OMG!!!

@ddlovatic: It'll be okay and I'm sure you sound amazing when you sing! Why listen to the one negative voice when there are so many positive voices around you? Don't listen to her and audition for X Factor. Even though I don't really know you I'll support you the whole way through!

I quickly sent that before I had to go to the panel. 

The auditions were better than yesterday, which was good but I just couldn't stop thinking about Ashley and that she is going to audition! I want to hear her sing and I really want to know what song she is going to sing.

It was the first break and as we got into another room I was pulled into the corner by Dani. I couldn't even see if I had gotten a message from Ash.

"What's up with you today?" Dani asked me.

"What do you me?" I asked confused. I was actually generally confused.

"Back in the lobby when you said you had a good rest you were obviously lying. You haven't looked worse! The make up helps a little but I can tell. Care to share?" Dani said.

Crap. I have to tell her now. 

"Okay well you're right, I didn't sleep at all last night. I was too worried about someone who I only started talking to about 2 days ago. BUT this was the first night that she didn't reply to me so I was worried and when I'm worried I can't sleep properly or at all. I found out why and all that so it's all good." I told her honestly.

"Oh well..sometimes you can't get worried over people like that. I mean you only started talking to her 2 days ago! I say you shouldn't let something like that get to you." Dani said, judging me.

"It only takes 2 days.." And with that I walked away.

I put my trust into her for what? To only get judged! Ugh I can't stand it sometimes! I pulled out my phone and saw a message. 

@DayumDemi: Okay I'll try not to. Thanks for that! Really appreciate it, made me feel a heap better!

@ddlovatic: It's okay, really. I try to help!

The fact that I made her feel better made me feel better. That was until we had to go back to the panel. I was sitting next to Dani. We all got back there and I didn't say a word to anyone for the rest of the day. I was silent the whole ride home as well.

I went to my room and I had checked my phone so many times after the first break but Ashley had just stopped replying. I wonder why, but I didn't get as worried. I actually wanted to sleep. But maybe she got her phone taknen off her. I don't know but I need to sleep tonight.

I was also super happy that she is going to audition on the 14th. 14th pleaseee hurry up!! 

Hope you enjoyed it! 
Also I'm going to make this just a friendship between them unless I get convinced otherwise.

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Thanks for reading!
Stay cool =P 

One Story, One Message, One Audtition ➵ Demi LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now