Chapter 25 ~Birthday Surprise Part 2

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~Demi's P.O.V.~
If tears weren't falling before they were definitely falling now. I couldn't believe this was happening. I was just standing there, tears cascading down my face trying to process it all properly. This was so surreal was it really happening or is it just a dream. Definitely seems like a dream, so I pinched myself slightly just to see...

Well it really isn't a dream. It's real life right here. It feels amazing. I looked over towards Ash who was now wearing a worried expression. Shit! I just realised how long I've been standing here without giving her an answer or some sort of action to confirm I wanted this too.

"Oh Ash, I'm speechless, even though I'm talking right now but....of course I'd promise to be yours and only yours, I wouldn't want anyone else. Of course I promise to stay and be yours for all eternity! I love you so freaking much Ash," I said and kissed her.

We just stood there kissing each other, tears rolling down both our cheeks mixing in with the kiss. I couldn't imagine being with anyone else, especially in this moment. I pulled back with my hands on her arms looking straight into her eyes. I trailed my hands down to hers and held her hands. Right here and now I realised that no one else can make me this happy. Not Nick, not anyone. Only Ash. My Ash.

I kissed her again and wrapped my arms around her neck leaning into her. Enjoying the feeling of her body pressed against mine. She is perfect. Her body is perfect and so damn sexy and her personality is the best. I have never met anyone else like Ash. She is so sweet and kind and just perfect. 

I stopped kissing her and just stood there hugging her. Enjoying this moment. Ash pulled away then got her phone and looked at it. Probably looking at the time. 

"DemDem we got to start heading back to the house but I need to go get some dog food for my little brother. Mum's finally letting him get a dog," Ash said with a slight chuckle.

Oh how I love her chuckle so cute just like her. 

"Why do we have to leave...I was enjoying this," I whine.

"Cause I need to get the food to my brother before his bed time," Ash said back.

I understood though why we had to leave and Ash's little brother is the cutest I've ever seen, I've only met him once but I'd give up and do anything for that guy. Plus I know how much he means to Ash.

Ash started walking towards the car and then I noticed all the picnic things had been cleared so now there was nothing there. 

"Hey Ash, where did the stuff go?" I asked her curiously.

"I have my ways," Ash said with a smirk.

I just left it and held her hand wile we got into the limo. Ash gave the driver the directions to the pet shop and off we were to the pet shop, obviously. As the limo was moving I looked up at Ash to see her already looking at me. We gave each other loving smiles and I laid my head on her chest. How I love to rest here. I can hear her heart beat, the most magical thing on this earth.

To hear a persons heart beat. The thumping of it moving. I don't know why but I just love the sound. Maybe because it proves life in a person, existence. Reassures me that this isn't a dream, I guess. It just sounds more magical coming from the one I love deeply. Proving to me that Ash is most definitely real, alive and, most importantly, mine.

I closed my eyes listening to her heart beat and didn't realise I had drifted 'til I felt someone shaking me. I opened my eyes and was met with Ash's. I realised I had my head on her lap so I sat up slowly and looked out the window. I saw the pet shop so I guessed that we were at our destination, what a genious I am.

"Hey baby," Ash said looking at me softly.

"Hi beautiful," I said back, leaning in to kiss Demi.

The kiss definitely woke me up. It was only a quick one but I loved it all the same. 

"Hey Demi, before we get out the car I have one last present for you," Ash said handing me a small box.

I wondered what it could be. She really didn't have to get me anything else but I appreciate it all. I continued staring at the box trying to work out what it could be for a few minutes.

"You know it won't open itself right?" Ash asked smirking at me.

My fingers swiftly opened the box and I was amazed at what I saw. It was a heart shaped locket. I opened it. Inside was two photos of us, one of us looking silly and the other looking normal. I smiled staring at it. I love it.

Ash reached over and turned it over so the back was facing me. The back had something engraved on it:

I love you more than life itself. My world. My baby.

"'s, it's perfect. I love it. Thank you baby," I said leaning over to kiss her once again.

"Not as perfect as you, my love," Ash said back to me lovingly.

We kissed again and Ash put the necklace on for me. We got out the car and instantly I held her hand and we walked towards the pet shop. Ash stopped for a second out the front of the pet shop and looked at her phone. She slightly nodded, put her phone away and then went to enter the shop.

Ash held the door open for me so I could walk in.

"Always the gentleman," I smirked at Ash.

"My pleasure," She smirked and winked towards me.

I only got a few seconds in before.....

"SURPRISE!!!!!!" A chorus of people yelled at me.

I jumped not expecting it but then looked around and realised that it isn't a pet's a surprise party. For me? Obviously it's my birthday. I looked towards Ash, ran and jumped on her. She held me while I kissed her. 

"Thank you for this," I muttered in her ear.

"Anything for my princess, oh and you might want to thank Mar as well seing as she helped me," Ash whispered to me.

I looked at everyone, realised the music were playing and they were all talking probably waiting for Ash and I to have finished our little moment we had. Finding Mar I walked over to her from behind and put my hands on her covering her eyes.

"Guess whoooo?!" I say in a weird voice.

"Obviously Demi," Mar laughs.

"How did you guess," I looked at her pouting and she laughed more.

"That's the kind of thing you do Dem, anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY SISTERRRR!!!" Mar yells as she embraces me in a tight hug. 

"Thank you, thanks for helping with the party," I say returning the hug.

"Anytime and anything for my number 1," Mar says with a slight laugh.

"Explains why you and Ash were being so secretive the whole time," I say with a slight chuckle.

"Yeah well she really didn't want this ruined, she did pretty much everything so just make sure you don't ditch her tonight," Mar says with a smirk and wink.

Before she went back to go get a drink she gave me a quick hug and then I walked back over to Ash. I held her hand and we went to walk around and talk to the guests. The next people I bumped into were all of Fifth Harmony.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEMS!!!" They all yelled in unison as they attacked me in a hug.

"Thank you all! I'm so glad you're here! I didn't think you were going to stick around for a bit," I say engaging conversation with them

"We weren't going to but then Ash asked us if we wanted to come and we wouldn't miss it Dems," Lauren explains to me.

I nodded and said it was nice seeing them and that I'll come back and talk to them later. We were walking around til I got tapped on the shoulder. I turned around and my eyes widened when I saw who was standing there before me.

"SEL!!" I screamed as I embraced her in a tight hug. 

Out the corner of my eye I saw Ash smile which made me smile.

"Happy birthday DemDem," Selena says as we pull away from the hug.

"Thank you! Ah I just can't believe your here! How long are you here for?" I asked getting excited.

"I'm here for about a week," Selena says smiling.

"Sweet. How about we catch up sometime this week. I'll call you," I said giving her one last hug before I went off somewhere else.

Ash grabbed my hand and took me over to the drinks.

"Mum," Ash said and the woman standing there turned her head.

Wow they look a like, it's crazy. They have a few things different but the face shape is the same. They are mother/daughter so it's normal I guess.

"Yes darling?" Her mother asked looking between the two of us.

"This is Demi, Demi this is my mother Kathy," Ash says introducing the two of us.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Demi," Kathy said giving me a hug, "Oh and happy birthday."

"It's nice meeting you too and thank you, I've heard a lot of things about you. All good things no need to worry," I say laughing a bit towards the end.

"I wish I could say the same for more recently but I remember a few months ago when Ash would dance around her room screaming your songs," Kathy says laughing a bit.

"That sounds funny, wish I could have seen it," I laugh.

"Oh if only you had seen the times when she would jump up and down when she heard your songs. Telling everyone to shut up if one of your interviews was on tv and turning it up full volume. The nights I caught her up til 3am watching your old interviews and music videos, on a school night may I add. Oh, oh and don't forget this one, she would talk to her posters pretending you were right there and she would kiss her posters," Kathy said laughing so much.

I would be lying if I told you I wasn't laughing.

"Okay okay mum that's enough!" Ash said putting her hand on her mothers mouth.

"Aw Ash don't be embarrassed. It's a bit creepy but cute, typical fangirl," I said poking her cheeks and nose.

As I had finished laughing Ash's little brother came running back from the toilet.

"ASHY!" Josh yelled running to Ash.

Ash picked him up and spun him around hugging him tightly.

"Missed you Joshy," Ash mutter to Josh, still loud enough that I could hear her,

I saw Ash whisper something in his ear and then she put Josh down. He slowly walked over to me. I bent down and picked him up and he wrapped his arms around my neck and gave me a big hug. Josh gave great hugs considering his age and his size he still manages to give big hugs.

"Happy birthday DemDem," Josh muttered in my ear.

"Aw why thank you Joshy Bear," I say back to him.

He pulls back in my arms and looks at me.

"I'm not Joshy Bear! I'm Joshasaurus. Rawr!" Josh said doing the rawr and imitating a dinosaur.

I laughed at his cuteness and put him back down.

"Well it was great seeing you mum and Josh," Ash said giving them both a hug.

"We should come back soon, just got to do the rounds. It was nice to meet you Kathy. Nice seeing you again Josh," I say smiling at Kathy and giving Josh another hug.

"It was great meeting you Demi," Kathy says and we walk away.

~Ashley's P.O.V.~

After about another hour we had managed to get through and say hi to all the guests. Except for the last few. I had them in another room and was saving them for last for Demi. I know she'll love and be so excited to see these people. Demi went to go back to the the food but I stopped her. She gave me a quizzical look. I didn't say anything I just took her to the door of this other room.

I motioned for Demi to go through. She was hesitant but opened it.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEMI!!!" Her family scream as she walks in.

Demi's mouth opens. She's probably shocked to see them here.

"What are you guys doing here?" Demi asked smiling so big as he hugged each of her family members.

"Couldn't miss my not so little girls birthday now could I?" Dianna says.

"I'm so glad you're here! I love y'all," Demi says still in shock.

"Well you should thank Ash who so kindly paid for us to fly over here for this," Eddie says looking over towards me. 

Before I could blink Demi had me wrapped in her arms kissing me. She muttered thank you over and over in my ear, kissing below it at the same time. She pulled away from me and we smiled at each other, we've been doing that a lot lately. But I'm glad.

Demi slowly turned around to face her family all standing there with massive smiles on their face, but also with a bit of shock too. I guess they just found out about us.

"Oh yeah, family Ash is my girlfriend," Demi muttered looking at her family.

They all embraced us in a massive hug and it felt good. They are all so nice and accepting and I'm grateful for it. 

"Sweetie just be careful, the both of you," Eddie said in a warning tone. 

We both know the consequences and what can happen. I think so far we've done a great job at keeping it a secret from everyone. 

"We will don't worry, we know the consequences and what can happen, we'll be careful," Demi said back to Eddie.

"Well I think we should go back out and join the others before they get bored and trash the place," I jokingly say.

The others agree so we went back out to where the music, food and drinks were. It seems like the party is going well, I sure hope it is. I then spot Ciara, I swear I didn't see her before, but my mind went back to what happened last party we were at, at the same time.

I try and shake the thought away. I haven't told Demi, she doesn't need to know. It'll just cause more stress that we both don't need. Ciara creeps me out, she's so forceful and can't take the word no. But she's been talking less to me and just watches me from a distance. It's weird, like she's planning something, but what?

I stop thinking about it all and just focus on Demi who's talking with Nick and her family. Ilove the way she interacts with her family and friends, it's amazing and I love watching it. I could watch her forever. I love how she's mine, it's such a great feeling knowing that the most perfect and flawless human being is mine. .

"Hey you want to do the cake now?" Mar asked me as I walked over to her.

I nodded walking to the music system and stopping the music. Everyone stopped and looked at me.

"So today we are here for one of the worlds most amazing, inspirational, flawless role model/idol in this world. But we all know her more than the rest of the world, well most of us. Sure we know her as all of that but we also know her as goofy, silly, random, clumsy and much more. We know her deeply and to us she's a great friend or family member. And know today we are here celebrating her 22nd birthday. Getting so old there Dem. Happy birthday Dem, hope you're having a great time and....birthdays are natures way of telling us to eat more cake, so enjoy yours and happy birthday," I finish my speech stepping to the side to show off the cake that I had designed for her.

It wasn't big but it was a chocolate fudge cake. The inside was really gooey and we put maltesers on the outside. It looked really yummy and I hope Demi loves it. I looked toward Demi who, once again had tears in her eyes. I smiled at her which she returned.

"Thank you," Demi said to me as I handed her the knife.

We sang happy birthday first, of course, and Demi blew out the candles. As this was all happening Eddie, Dianna and Dallas were the main ones taking photos, of course other people were too. Demi cut the cake and then shortly after everyone had a slice of cake.

"Mmm Ash this is delicious!" Demi said coming up to me.

"I know right! I love it," I said back slowly eating the cake, savouring the flavour.

"Hey Ash want to come dance with me?" Demi asked me taking my now empty bowl from my hand putting it on the table.

"Of course i would DemDem," I said and Demi took me to the make shift Dance floor.

We danced for what seemed like a long time and I was getting tired but I loved dancing with Demi. She's such a great dancer and the way she moves her hips is flawless. It's taken all my strength so far to not reach out and hold her or kiss her or just touch her in a way that a contestant would never touch her. And not in that inappropriate way! 

I've had a great day and night with Demi and I hope that I've given Demi the best birthday of her life so far. Soon after, around 1am, everyone started going home. As they came up and said bye to Demi I gave them a little lolly bag, I know so childish sue me! I also thanked them for comign and they thanked me for an awesome party!

That boosted my confidence! I'm glad they all loved the party! We were last to leave and I locked the place up. Mar and I are coming back tomorrow to help clean up. In the limo Demi laid her head on my chest.

"Thank you for today Ash, I mean it. It's been great and I loved the party and I loved the picnic and now I have a new ring that means the world to me, more than anything. I promise to be yours forever. You're seriously the best person I could ever be with. So amazing Ash. You never fail to amaze me," Demi said looking up at me smiling.

"Aw anything for my baby. You're more amazing and perfect," I said kissing Demi.

Today has been amazing and I still can't believe she said yes to my promise ring. Today has been the best day of my life so far. Everything is going to change for the better. I have my baby, my world, my life. I love her so much.

But little did I know it was about to change very shortly, and not for the better.


Anyway part 2 of Demi's birthday!! :D I hope you all like it! Updating at school cause I'm a rebel like that. And my laptops nearly dead :P

Please tell me what you think!! I really appreciate it when you comment and tell me what you like a don't like and all! oh anddddd

1. What do you think is going to happen??

2. And just favourite bit?

I have the rest of this book planned out and I'm trying to work out the sequal for you all! that's if you still want one, yeah?

I don't really know what else to say right now but yeah. 

So I hope you enjoyed this chapter and now I have my motivation back again! I'm sorry for the wait!!


~Brooke xxx

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