Chapter 28

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~No one's P.O.V.~

Both Demi and Ash sat there nervously as Simon started speaking.

"So Demi and Ashley. The reason you too are here is about these photos I recieved today on my desk," Simon said formally.

He looked up and gave both Demi and Ashley a photo each. Both of their jaws dropped open. Literally. The look of shook on their faces said it all. Now they both were wondering what would happen to them. 

"Now I have gone through all of the options and the best one I will give you is this. Demi will stay as a judge on the show until this season is over and we will no resign you on here for any more seasons," Simon paused.

Demi wasn't holding much fear in her demeanour where as Ashley on the other hand was still showing signs of nervousness, but wouldn't anyone if they didn't know what their fate would be.

"On the other hand, Ashley you will be kicked off the show after the next live shows. We will make it look like the voting didn't go your way and no one has to find out about this. I'm sorry that it has to be this way but you both know the rules. Especially you Demi. The both of you may go now," Simon said standing up and leaving the room before the two girls.

~Ashley's P.O.V.~

I felt like my whole world just came crashing down. I can't believe someone took photos of us. How someone find out where we would be. The photo was of us kissing at the picnic I set up for Demi on her birthday.

It still doesn't make sense who would do this. But who ever it were they just cost me my future. I can't believe it. I'll be gone after this Monday. Back to school, back to my house, back to my normal life. Anger was coursing through my veins.

I wanted to find out who did this. I wanted to cry. But I kept a brave face. Well I wouldn't really call it brave when I'm most likely showing the most upset emotion on my face right now.

"Babe, it'll be okay," Demi said softly grabbing my hand.

I held my hand loosely there. I got more worked up when Demi said that. 

"Maybe for you it will be, but what about me? It's not like you're future is being messed with. And when are we meant to see each other now? I'll be going back to my normal home, my normal school, my normal life before X Factor. It won't be okay," I exclaimed at Demi.

I felt a little bad for what I said but it's all true. My whole future is ruined.

"Shh, Ash. Listen to me. I bet there's a recording label out there that would sign you without a doubt. You've been put out there and there is still a chance, you just have to work a bit more to get it. And with us, babe, it'll work out. We'll work it out. I'll come down and see you and we can meet up somewhere. And where I'm staying isn't that far by train. It'll all work out and be okay in the end. You just have to believe," Demi said softly looking at me and playing with my hand.

Demi was right. It'll work out. I'm just being a massive drama queen right now. How does she manage to deal with me. I just need to clear my head and work everything out. She was right about the train though, I can just catch a train out to the city and then walk from the station to where she is staying.

Everything will be okay. Or at least I hope it will be.

"You're right Dems. It'll be okay. I'm sorry for over reacting," I said softly looking down.

"It's okay Ash. You didn't over react. Your reaction was understandable," Demi said softly once again.

"I'm so lucky to have an amazing, beautiful, perfect and understandable girlfriend," I looked into Demi's eyes and smiled.

Demi smiled back and slowly leaned in. I leaned in the rest of the way and our lips connected. It felt so good and I always love kissing Demi. It's one of the best things. Her lips are so soft and addictive. I felt her hands grip my jawline so I wrapped my arms around her waist, we were standing now by the way, and brought her closer to me.

The kiss deepened slightly but then it stopped almost instantly. We just stood there holding each other. This felt so good and right and I am going to miss being able to do this almost everyday.

Demi leaned her forehead against mine and held my hand.

"It'll be alright Ash," 

"I know it will be," 

"We should get going. Do you want a lift back?" Demi asked me as we both let go of each other.

"Thanks for the offer but I think I'll walk back. Give me time to clear my head, you know," I said and pecked Demi's lips one more time before walking out of the room.

I walked all the way to the mansion and I came up with who I think could have taken the pictures. It could've been Ciara because remember the incident at the X Factor party to welcome Fifth Harmony here. 

That's the only reason. She'd probably want me all to herself and that's why she took the photos and gave them to Simon.

But you know what? I honestly couldn't care who did it. I don't really want to know. Karma will bit them in the ass sooner or later. Hopefully sooner but oh well.

Once I got inside the mansion and into my room I decided to start packing. 

I was about half way through my packing when I felt eyes staring right at me. I turned around to see Katelynn just standing there. Well that was a bit of a surprise considering she hasn't liked being in the same room as me for the past, however many weeks it's been.

"So I see you're leaving or getting kicked off. I think we both know which one it is," Katelynn said smirking at me.

"You did this, didn't you?" I said getting angrier.

"Surprise," She said in this sickening tone.

Why the hell would she do this? Is she crazy or something.

"Why would you do this to me? Ruin my future." I seethed.

"It's a sin. It's bad. What you and Demi had is wrong and someone had to be punished for it. I couldn't just let you get away with it," She said it like she had rehearsed it or something.

"How in hell did you find out where I would be?" I asked my voice raising in anger slightly.

"Maybe you shouldn't leave your phone laying around," She smirked yet again at me.

I didn't say anything. All I did was turn back around and continue packing. I was so angry with Katelynn and myself. More myself though. It was my fault that all this is happening, but wait she went through my personal things. 

Hasn't she ever heard of privacy? Well at least now I don't have to do any investigating anymore. I know who it is and karma's going to come bite them in the ass.

~Demi's P.O.V.~

Ash looked so devastated, but I mean who wouldn't? Her time in the show was coming to an end just by some person who thought it'd be a good idea to take photos of us kissing and send them into Simon.

Whoever it was karma needs to pay a visit to them and soon because that was such a low act. I tried to cheer Ash up and it seemed to work, or at least I hoped it did. Everything will be fine. At least my out come was better. I mean I was going to finish this season off and then stop doing it to focus on my music and tour. 

So I guess it didn't actually affect me at all. I didn't think of this before, I finally understand what Ash was talking about. I can see how upset she would've been now. How was I oblivious to all of this? I'm such a bad girlfriend.

I have to clear my head. I have to do something. I can't just go home after what has just happened. I then decided that there was one last thing we, Nick and I, had to do for the tour. I got my phone and dialed Nicks number while walking back to my car.

"Hello?" I heard his voice as he answered.

"Hey, it's Demi. I just wanted to ask if you would like to finish everything for the tour today. If you're free that is?" I asked him through the phone.

"Yeah sure and maybe after we could get something to eat?" 

"That sounds good Nick. See you in about 20 minutes," 

"Of course. Can't wait," His voice came across as if he was flirting with me.

I hung up and got in my car. I had butterflies starting to appear at the thought of seeing Nick again.

I got to the studio and walked in. I saw Nick and I ran up to him and hugged him tightly.

"Hey Nick," I whispered in his ear as we hugged each other tightly.

"Hey Dems," He said back and we pulled away but he was still holding my waist.

"We should start so we can finish earlier," I suggested and pulled away.

We went on to working on the final piece of the tour. I can't wait for the tour it's going to be great. I have my openers, my dancers and all the production is nearly ready. We're just working on the lighting sequence for the different songs and the video we're going to have playing behind as well.

I kept glancing over at Nick. He was sitting close to me and the butterflies were erupting in my stomach. This is weird but all I could think about was kissing him. I mean he's my age so it wouldn't be like he'd hold back from anything.

We had finally finished everything for the tour now. Just set up rehearsing times for the next couple weeks also. 

We decided to leave our cars here and walk to the local diner. It was about a 10 minute walk and it was nice. Just walking side by side with Nick. Then I thought of Ash and that I need to meet up with her on Wednesday, seeing as it would be my day off for that week.

Hey babe. Just seeing if we could meet up on the Wednesday, the Monday after X Factor? It's my only free day that week.
Love, Dems.

I sent the message and as we got near the diner I got a message back. I checked it and it was from Ash.

Yeah of course we can Dems. Can't wait to see you the day.
Love Ash.

Okay so looks like we'll be catching up that day. Can't wait for it either. 

We got to the diner and as Nick opened the door for me any thought of Ash I had flew out of my mind and I focused on Nick. 

I sat opposite him in a booth and we ordered our food. We talked while we ate. We talked about so many things, mostly just random things. But I was watching his lips move for most the time I think he caught me staring as a few times he'd start to smirk at me.

I would always blush when that happened. I don't know why I'm feeling this way but my feelings for him seem to be getting much stronger. I just want to be around him all the time. I want to hear his voice 24/7. I just, I never want to not be around him.

It's like a magnet pulling me towards him. I'm enjoying right now. I couldn't do this with Ash. Ash. I'm so torn between the two of them. I don't want to hurt Ash. And I love Ash. Why does this have to be so hard.

"Dems, Demi, Earth to Demi?" I was snapped out of my thoughts by Nick waving his hand in front of my face.

"Yes?" I asked confused. 

He chuckled a bit and oh my gosh his chuckle. It's so addicting, everything about him is. I'd love to listen to it on repeat.

"I asked if you wanted to head back because it's getting late," He repeated what he had apparently said before.

"Yeah sure. I should get back. I promised to spend the afternoon with Mar," I said getting up from the booth. 

He followed me out the door and we walked side by side back to our cars. I could feel his hand graze mine every now and then. Each time I felt it, it was like a jolt of electricity shooting through my body. I liked it.

We got to the cars and I was sad to leave him.

"I'll see you some time next week then?" I asked.

"Yes of course," 

There was so much tension that you could cut it with a chainsaw, literally. I noticed he placed a hand on my waist and started to lean in. I don't know what over came me but i instantly leaned in and met him half way.

Nick and I were kissing and I wasn't doing anything to stop it. I kissed him back. I never stopped it. Not once. It felt good.

Oohh look at this! another chapter only a day or two apart? Much loveee hehehe!! 
I think most people on here hate me anyway so whatever at least I have you guys? Unless you all hate me too, i swear everyone does :P i'm kinda down too so hopefully you guys can cheer me up? can ya do it?  ((don't worry bae you're definitely helping in cheering me up right now)) 

But anyway here is the newest chapter and BAM!! Hope you likeeeeee ittt!! 

Question timeeee!!:

1. What was you're favourite part in this chapter?

2. How do you feel about the chapter? 

3. Did you like the chapter?

4. I need sequel names pleaseeee!! There's only 2 chapters of this left then a sequel so please. Please help suggest name ideas.

2 chapters lefttt!! it's so sad! i've been writing this story for nearly a year now! I love doing this story so much! And I love all of my READERS!! ESPECIALLY FOR 200K READS! AND ALL OF THOSE VOTES AND COMMENTS! THEY ARE MOTIVATION, THEY ARE WHAT I LIVE FOR CONSIDERING I THOUGHT THIS STORY WOULD FLOP AND NO ONE WOULD LIKE IT!!

*gives cookie*

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