Chapter 6

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~Ashley's P.O.V.~

Rosie and I were talking for a little while and she really was making me feel heaps better. I'm starting to get that confidence back that I had lost for a little while. I believe that I will get through the audition. I have to believe or else it won't happen. People say that if you don't go in it thinking you can do it you won't but if you go in it thinking you can do it you will.

So that's what I'm going to do. Go in it believing I can and it's all thanks to Rosie! I was thinking of something to reply when my mum opened the doors and came into my room. She had gotten back either earlier than normal or I just wasn't paying much attention. I tried to hide my phone but I don't think I hide it in time.

"Give it over. No phones or any electronics if you are sick. You know the rules Ash," My mum demanded.

I sighed and gave it over. I really hate that rule but apparently it teaches us that if we get bored than we shouldn't fake being sick or something like that. I think it's stupid. Just cause I may or may not be sick doesn't mean I don't want to talk to my friends. But if I told them that then they would say to just go to school instead of being home.

I watched as my mum went around my room looking for all of my electronics. She grabbed every single one! It was torture seeing him do that!

"Mum, can you make me some soup? Please.." I asked her and she gave in and went down to make me soup.

I didn't even get to say goodbye to Rosie! Ugh..maybe I'll use this time to pick the perfect song to sing for my X Factor audition!

*December 14th 2013*
~Ashley's P.O.V~

My alarm went off and I jumped out of bed! I was so excited for today! Today was the day I was going to audition for X Factor and in front of DEMI LOVATO!! OMG I am so excited! I get to be right in front of my idol. I hope that everything goes good today, but even if it doesn't I don't think anything could ruin my mood right now!

I ran to my parents room and jumped right on top of my mum. I saw the empty space next to her and it reminded me of my dad. I hope I see him soon.

"MUM, MUM, MUM!! GET UP AND GET DRESSED WE HAVE TO LEAVE SOON!!!" I shouted and my mum woke up.

I had full intention on waking my mum up. We had all agreed that only my mum was going to come but thn Josh got really upset so we decided we were going to let him come with us. I'm glad that only those 2 are coming. If all of the were going to come then it would've made me really nervous!

Once my mum had awoken and gotten up I walked out of the room and went into Olyviah and Josh's room. I opened the door quietly but it didn't even matter. Olyviah had gotten Josh up and dressed already.

"Hey Liv, thanks for getting Josh up." 

"It's okay! Oh and good luck for today. Now get out and get dressed I'll bring Josh downstairs and give him breakfast." Olyviah told me. I swear I had the best little sister!

"Okay, okay I'm going!" I laughed as Olyviah had actually started to push me out of their room.

I got back to my rooms and put my outfit that I had gotten on. It consisted of a short(just above knee length) black skirt, a baby blue crop top thing, a black leather jacket with gold studs on the shoulder and a bit down the back and ankle high heel black leather boots with gold studs on the back and sides

I don't really like to put a lot of make up on, so I just put eyeliner, mascara and a little bit of foundation on. I looked in the mirror and I really liked how I looked. I was so excited! I just hope that the judges like my singing.

I walked downstairs to see Olyviah with eye shadow in her hand. Oh no.

"Come here. Sit down and let me put eye shadow on." Olyviah demanded.

I knew better than to argue with her so I just did as she said. She picked out a light blue colour and applied the eye shadow. When she was done she handed me a mirror and I was thankful that she didn't put too much on. 

"ASHYYY!!! You look very pretty and I know you will do well!" Josh told me while he had jumped on me to give me a hug.

"Thanks little guy. Now go watch tv while we wait for mum and I have some breakfast." I said and he went to the lounge room. Olyviah just went back to her room.

I ate breakfast and I was ready to go. Mum and Josh were also ready. I quickly ran up to my room and grabbed my guitar. I had been practising the song on the guitar for a few weeks and hopefully I can remember it. I would hate to make a fool of myself.

"Come on Ashley. We have to go or else we will be late!" My mum shouted from downstairs.

I ran down the stairs as best I could considering I have heels on and walked out the door.

"Mum come on!" I shouted to mum from outside.

We all got in the car. It only takes an hour to get to the venue. After a while I started to get really nervous and I drifted more and more into my thoughts. I started to think back to what Tayler had said and how she might have been right, but also what Rosie had said. Maybe she was right. I don't know. I just hope the judges will like me. But if what Tayler said then they won't but if it's what Rosie said than they will.

You know Rosie is really starting to sound a lot like Demi. I mean with a few things she has told me so far and she is really inspirational like Demi and Rosie says things that I know Demi would say. Maybe it's just a coincidence. Yeah definitely, why would Demi be on a website like Wattpad? 

I laughed at myself but I only meant it to be in my head and not out loud. I looked to mum and she just looked confused.

"What were you thinking about? If you're nervous don't be. The judges will love you, Ash." My mum told me.

With what she said it got me to calm down a bit and I was able to push the negative thoughts to the back of my head and focus on the positive.

"Oh..uh it was just a joke someone told at school and thanks that helped, Mum." I told my mum with a massive smile on my face.

I relaxed a lot and realised that we were almost there. I was excited, nervous, scared, happy...I was feeling so many emotions. 

Mum parked the car and we got out and made our way to the table to register. We got to the table and the girl sitting there gave me a wide smile while I just gave her a nervous one.

"Hey there. How are you today?" She asked.

"Good just nervous," I said as best I can without sounding nervous.

"Don't be you will do fine. So name and age." She asked.

"My name Is Ashley Henderson and I'm 16." I told her with my smile getting less nervous and more wide.

"Okay well you're obviously a girl so here you go and just go stand in the line over there." She said as she gave me a number for me to stick on.

I said thanks and walked over to the line. It was really really long. I knew it would take a while before we were actually inside.

When we got inside the actual building mum went and sat down with Josh and  I left  to find a quiet spot. I was really nervous. Normally other people are practising the song they are going to sing but not me. I need to control my nerves and the only way I can is by dancing and singing.

When I was younger I used to do hip hop. I only stopped last year to focus more on school but it was a the time my escape from everything that was happening at school. I used to be bullied at school. The only reason I'm not anymore is because the main group of people who would bully me all left to go to a different school. Yes they all left, if one of them did something then they all did it. Kind of like sheep.

When I needed an escape at home I would go outside and always try to choreograph a hip hop dance to Who's That Boy by Demi Lovato. I managed to do it but I never thought it was good enough. I still don't think it's good enough but it always helps calm my down or calm my nerves.

I got out my iPod and started playing Who's That Boy. I put my iPod down and started to dance. I know I'm only in a skirt but I have shorts on underneath and really it's not like anyone is actually around.

*Who's That Boy- Demi Lovato*

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