Chapter 21

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~Ashley's P.O.V.~

It's finally Saturday! I'm only excited cause we have a party tonight and hopefully I get to meet Fifth Harmony. Well I have to so I can ask them if they can come to Demi's party but I'm just so excited!! They're my favourite girl group along with little Mix and they are such great singers. Demi, Josh and Fifth Harmony are my inspirations to sing. Without them I wouldn't be singing. Well not on stage. I would definitely sing in my bedroom, but you know what I mean.

Oh and also I get to see my friends again! I haven't seen them in forever. I just miss them. I've been feeling really lonely lately. I know I have Demi and Alisa and Katelynn here but I just need my friends that I've grown up with. They know me a lot and in the past 3 days Katelynn has been ignoring me, hasn't spoken a word to me. Whenever I enter a room that she's in she'll get up and leave, even in our bedroom. I just want to know where she sleeps because when I go to sleep she's not there and when I wake up she isn't there. I really don't know about that girl anymore.

Well anyway time to get back to getting ready. For meeting up with my friends I've chosen to wear black leggings, black boots with gold studs and a grey jumper. Not very colourful but hey it's winter so you can't blame me. I just can't wait to see my friends. They have been through thick and thin with me. Especially Romeo. Romeo, I've grown up with him. I count him as my twin pretty much. When we were younger we were terrors for our parents. If you wanted us to be sensible then you had to sperate us otherwise we would muck around.

I was finally ready. I actually look decent for a change. I walked out the room and down to the front door. I took a minute to mentally prepare myself for the deadly cold I am about to face. I went to open the door but instead someone from the other side of the door opened it first.

"Oh hey Ash." Alisa said, "Where are you off to?" She asked me.

"Just going to see a few friends from school." I told her.

"That sounds awesome. Hope you have fun and remember we have the party later on." Alisa told me. 

I could never forget that we have the party later on. I've been trying to decide how to ask Fifth Harmony to come to Demi's surprise party but I have nothing coming to mind. Hopefully it'll just flow right out of my mouth and I won't look like an idiot in front of them.

"Thanks. I could never forget about the party. Oh and that reminds me I need to ask you and the others something after the party, probably tomorrow." I told her.

"Oh I want to know now! Please!" Alisa asked.

I looked at the time and saw that I didn't have enough time to explain it all to her, otherwise I would be late for my own friends.

"I'm sorry but I don't have enough time to explain it all. I'll tell you later," I told Alisa while walking passed her to get to the door, "Hey maybe sometime you can come meet my friends from school." I told her slighty asking her a bit.

"Yeah that'll be great." Was the last thing I heard from her as I left the house.

I walked all the way to the cafe that we, Romeo and I, decided to meet at. It was a pretty decent day for winter, and by decent i meant that it wasn't raining. It was still cold as hell but I'm used to it by now. You get used to it living in Melbourne for your whole life and going through so many of these winters. As I waited to be able to cross the road I decided to text Marissa.

ASH: Hey, what foods should we have? What food does Demi like?

I sent and instantly got a reply.

MAR: We should have a bunch of lollies and chocolates and chips. Oh and cakes and slices, and for drinks all soft drinks, water and punch.

ASH: That sounds nice. How about we go get the lollies, chips and drinks tomorrow and the rest on tuesday?

I sent back. I put my phone away as I could cross the road now and I got to be safe. This party was really coming along. I can't wait to see Demi's face when she sees it all. Oh and my surprise for the day for her. I have it all planned. I'm so so excited! Why can't it be Wednesday already?!

I got to the other side of the road and felt my phone vibrate. I took my phone out saw that I had two messages; One from Demi and one from Marissa. I read the one from Demi first.

DEMS.xx: Hey babe, can't wait to see what you're wearing tonight ;)

ASH: Can't wait to see what you're wearing either. You're going to be the hottest person there, no doubt. xx;)

I then read Marissa's message.

MAR: Yeah I'm down for that. Totally free to help. See you tomorrow then at 12 at the mansion, yeah?

ASH: Sure sounds great. See you tomorrow Mar.

With that I put my phone in my pocket and walked into the cafe. I instantly saw my friends and walked over.

"Hey guys." I said a little quietly.

I don't know why but I was nervous to see them, I mean I haven't seen them in so long so it's understandable.

"ASH!" Sierra yelled as she embraced me in a massive hug.

"I k-kinda need to b-breathe." I said sounding out of breath.


"Ash! I haven't seen you in ages!" Allyson said and also embraced me in a hug.

As we pulled away Imogen was there and I embraced her in a hug. She was always kind of the shy one. 

"Ash I'm so glad to see you again." Imogen said as we pulled away.

I then jumped on Romeo giving him a massive hug.

"Hey there Ash!" Romeo said softly.

"Aww." Imogen, Sierra and Allyson all cooed.

"Nothings going on, you know. We're just friends." I told them playfully glaring at the others.

"Suuuree...just friends." Sierra said while finger quoting 'just friends'.

I glared at them more then sat down at the booth. They told me that they had already ordered me a caramel milkshake. God they know me well.

"So how have you guys been? How is school?" I asked them.

"Well you know, school is school. Boring and the teachers are horrible." Sierra said.

"Except for our art teacher. She's pretty nice." Imogen said.

"Yeah. And we've had not much homework either so that's good." Allyson said.

"But it just isn't the same without you and your snarky comments at the teachers." Romeo said and we all laughed a bit.

"But overall I guess we have all been good. Just missing you heaps." Sierra said to finish off.

I loved how they all did that. It was awesome that they could basically all think and say the same thing. We are so connected as friends.

"Aww guys that's so sweet! I'm so glad to have you guys as friends. School's like that, boring. It still is for me. Oh that's so unfair. When I was there, there was so much homework given out but now...ugh!" I said back to them.

I just couldn't get over the homework thing. Homework sucks.

"Soo have you been Ash? We vote for you every week by the way. We love your singing the best, and we're not being biased either!" Allyson asked me.

"I've been pretty good. I miss you guys though. Thanks. It's awesome going up there every week and singing. I just love it. I'm so glad you guys all pushed me. Especially Josh though. I have to thank him." I replied.

"Aww that's so cute. It's cute how much you and Josh love each other. I swear you two have the best brother/sister relationship. Also what's it like living in the mansion? Oh and having Demi as you're mentor?" Sierra asked me.

"Everyone says that. It's really cool. I have to share a room with the other girls in my category, so Katelynn and Alisa. They are both really nice but recently Katelynn has been ignoring me so yeah I don't know about her anymore. But Alisa, she's been there for me the whole time I've been there. Not as good as I know you guys would've been but at least I have someone there. Oh and how would you feel having Demi Lovato as your mentor? IT'S FREAKING AWESOME!! AHH!! THE BEST THING EVER!!" I replied and shouted towards the end.

I realised everyone had looked at me so I sort of hid myself behind Romeo. Then the waitress came over and gave us our orders. We slowly drank our drinks and talking about random things. Just like old times. More like times from school. It was just great being reunited with these losers. 

They told me a few stories of things that had happened at school. Apparently while I was gone there were four fights, a teacher threw a chair at a student, a few of the teachers were having affairs (apparently) and most the teachers left and they have new ones now. I have missed so much. I miss going to that school but that is the price to pay for this, my dream.

I looked down at my phone checking the time. I had to leave so I could get ready to go to the party.

"Uh hey guys I'm so sorry but I have to go. I have a party but I really want to do this again sometime, yeah?" I asked while standing up getting ready to leave. 

"Yes of course!"

"We all have to."

"That would be great."

"Can't wait."

They said at the same time which made me laugh a bit. I hugged them all and waved goodbye as I started my journey back to the mansion to get ready for the party. All the way back I kept replaying through my mind what I should say to Fifth Harmony. I want to stay calm and not seem like an idiot to them but knowing me I'll end up freakin out and fangirling so bad. Ah I just hope that won't happen.

I opened the door to the mansion, walked up the stairs and started getting ready for a hopefully fun night ahead.

I'm sorry that I took a break and kept you all waiting for so long. 
I hope you like this update.
I was going to put the party in this chapter as well but I didn't want to keep you all waiting any longer. I'm going to start writing the next chapter now and hopefully I'll have it done soon.

I hope you are all going to keep reading and supporting my story. There is so much more I want to do in this book, and that I have planned and I'm excited.
I'm going to do a sequel and the hot scene that you all want will most likely be in the sequel. It just doesn't fit with how I have this story planned for a bit.

1. Are you still liking the story?
2. Is it boring you at all? be honest.
3. Who are your favourite characters other than Ash and Demi?
4. Do any of you who read this like 5 Seconds Of Summer? 

Oh I'm planing a new Demi Fanfic, would you like that?
Also please read my other book if you haven't called 'The President's Daughter.'

Thanks for reading!
Stay Cool=P

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