New account

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I know I said earlier this year that I was going to rewrite this story. And I have been I just haven't published any parts. But the last few months I've felt a major disconnect from Demi :( such a sad feeling considering they were a massive part of my childhood and I made so many good memories from their music etc.

However, I may have paused rewriting this story but I haven't stopped writing. I'm just currently writing marvel au imagines and stories that I've finally decided to start posting here and on tumblr. I've only posted one Natasha Romanoff imagine but will definitely be posting more regularly on that account. Will be writing for Natasha, Wanda and Yelena on that account.

If you're interested head over to nats-dreamland
The user is the same for tumblr as well :)

Thank you for all the continued support!

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