Chapter [20]

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~Ashley's P.O.V.~

I left Demi's place and started to head back to the mansion. Mum's coming over with Josh soon and I have to be there. Well obviously because they're my family and I really can't wait to see Josh. He's my world....before Demi came along and now they are both my entire world. But without Josh I would have never auditioned for X Factor and then I wouldn't have met Demi. I owe Josh a lot for that.

Oh and mum's leaving Josh with me for the rest of the day and is picking him up tomorrow so I'm taking him with me so I can get advice on something and then I can take him to go see Demi. Yes! Josh would love that and I'm sure Demi would. Demi's probably waiting for me to get back. Oh maybe we could have a massive sleepover at Demi's. That would be awesome. I would have to pick up heaps of junk food; I know how much Josh would love that.

I arrived back at the mansion and waited for mum to arrive. I walked into the lounge and saw Katelynn and Ciara there.

"Hey guys." I said as I sat down on the empty couch.

"Hey Ash." They both said in unison and started laughing.

"So what are you watching?" I asked trying to make some conversation with them.

But I guess they don't want to make conversation. They both just got up and left. Honestly that hurt but maybe I interrupted something or maybe they just didn't want to be around me. I don't know but deep down inside me that hurt me. I decided to call Romeo and see if what he was up to and if he wanted to catch up. I dug through my bag to find my phone and once I did I rang Romeo. It rang three times before he picked up.

"Hello." Romeo's voice boomed through the phone.

"Hey Rom." I said back to him.

Rom was my nickname for him. I don't remember why I started calling him that but it's stuck now.

"Oh Ash. How have you been?" He asked me.

"I've been alright, but I feel bad for not messaging or calling you. I'm sorry." I told him.

I genuinely did feel bad, I could've taken a few minutes out of my time to message him but I didn't and that makes me a bad friend.

"Ashley. Don't you dare feel bad for it. I understand that you've been busy but the fact that you're calling now is the best. I've missed my best friend like crazy and I could've messaged or called you as well. It's a two way street hun." He did have a point there, that made me feel a little bit better and not feel as bad.

"Well you do have a point there. But do you want to catch up soon? Just us or with the rest of the gang? Oh and how is everyone?" I asked Romeo.

I shot a bunch of questions his way but I know he wouldn't mind at all. I just really want to hang out with them again. I miss my friends.

"Yes of course! We can do it with the rest of the gang. It'll be just like before. Oh they're great! We are supporting you all the way Ash! You're better than everyone else on that show!" Romeo told me.

I really missed all of the gang and I can't wait to meet up with them.

"Awesome! How about this Saturday morning? That's the only time I'm free for the rest of the week. I can't wait to see you guys again! Aww thank you so much but there are other people on the show that are better than me. You're just saying that cause you're my best friend and you have to." I said laughing a little towards the end.

"Yeah I'll text the rest of the gang and get back to you. I can't wait to see you again. It feels like years. I'm not just saying it, I truly mean it. Believe it Ash. But I have to go...I'll text you later alright. Bye." Romeo said to me.

I always believe it when Romeo says it to me. I couldn't have asked for a better best friend. Even though I'm hiding things from him, he won't find that out though. I can make sure of it.

"I believe you Rom. Always. Aww really? Well okay I'll be waiting for that text Rom. Bye." I told him as he hung up the phone.

I put my phone back down and heard a knock on the door. I knew it was my mum so I got up and answered the door. When I answered the door I was greeted by my mum and Josh.

"ASHY!!!" Josh screamed as he hugged me.

I bent down a bit so I could hug him better. I honestly miss this. Hugs from my little brother. I pulled back from the hug and looked at him. Josh didn't seem any different just a little taller.

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