Chapter 12

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~Ashley's P.O.V.~

Today is finally the day! The live shows!!! Also the tonight I'm staying at Demi's!  I'm so excited! I've been working so hard all week with my singing and dancing. I'm also really, really nervous! I'm afraid I'm going to stuff up or fall over or that people just won't like me. It would suck being the first one kicked off the show.

All during the week I've also been hanging out with Demi all during the week but we have to keep a secret or I could get kicked off. That would be terrible but we have been getting really close. We have come close to kissing a few times. But we both have brushed it off. I really want to kiss her so badly and I'm sure that she feels the same or we wouldn't have had that many awkward near kiss moments.

"5 minutes Ashley." A deep voice shook me from my thoughts.

I was mentally preparing myself for my performance. I just want people to like me. That's the main thing. Demi and everyone else who has listened and watched throughout the week believe I can do this so I have to believe in myself. I can do it. While I have been waiting for the whole show pretty much, seeing as I was last, I've been singing.

Going last is hard. Only because you have to watch everyone else and watch how good they are hoping to live up to it.

"It's time. Just go over there and wait for it to open." The same voice said again.

it was just someone who works there. He is actually really nice, most times I've seen him which isn't that many but still he's nice. I walked over to where he told me to go and waited. I heard the song start and then the doors open. I saw all the people but only focused on the one who matters the most to me. Demi.

I walked out a bit and then started singing.

*Try- P!nk*
Ever wonder about what he's doing
How it all turned to lies
Sometimes I think that it's better
to never ask why

Where there is desire
There is gonna be a flame
Where there is a flame
Someone's bound to get burned
But just because it burns
Doesn't mean you're gonna die

You gotta get up and try, try, try
You gotta get up and try, try, try
You gotta get up and try, try, try

Ever worried that it might be ruined
And does it make you wanna cry?
When you're out there doing what you're doing
Are you just getting by?
Tell me are you just getting by by by

Where there is desire
There is gonna be a flame
Where there is a flame
Someone's bound to get burned
But just because it burns
Doesn't mean you're gonna die
You gotta get up and try try try
You gotta get up and try, try, try
You gotta get up and try, try, try
You gotta get up and try, try, try
You gotta get up and try, try, try
You gotta get up and try, try, try
You gotta get up and try, try, try

You gotta get up and try, try, try
gotta get up and try, try, try

I finished singing and everyone, the audience and judges were standing up and clapping so much. It's an amazing feeling honestly. I looked towards Demi who looked back and smiled while giving me the thumbs up. I know I had done well if she's doing that. I smiled back towards Demi and waited for everyone to calm back down so the judges could talk.

All the judges had now sat down and I was nervously awaiting the comments. I really hope the other judges liked me and I hope everyone else did as well. Once the audience, well majority of the audience, had calmed and sat down the judges started talking.

"I loved you when you auditioned and all the way through boot camp. I am so glad that Demi had chosen you to be here at the live shows. You are so talented and you don't see many 16 year olds who are so talented. I'm glad we have you in the competition." Redfoo said being his over excited self.

I was relieved. One down two more to go.

"One word, WOW! I could feel every word of the song when you sang. You are amazing and I am also very glad that Demi kept you around. Amazing." Natalie said.

I was getting really happy and my smile was getting bigger but I knew there would be at least one negative comment but it would be more constructive criticism.

"I really, really liked your performance. You are a very talented singer and I believe just after one song that Demi had made the right choice and that you deserve to be here but you should work more on your pitch a bit. At times during the song it was just a little bit off pitch but other than that it was a great performance and hopefully we get to see more of you in this competition." Ronan had said.

I was really happy from the comments that I had gotten from the judges. Now we have Demi's comment. I'm certain it'll be good but I'm still really nervous.

"Ashley, I couldn't be any prouder. You killed it! You have amazing vocals and you know how to make the stage yours. There is definitely room for improvement, like Ronan said we will definitely be working on your pitch because there were a few bits which were a bit off pitch but other than that it was an amazing performance by an amazing girl!" Demi said.

The amazing bit made me blush a bit but I said thanks back to all of them and then went off stage and instantly found Katelynn and Alisa. Seeing as I was the last one the judges would be out soon.

"You were amazing! How is anyone meant to compete with you?" Alisa said beaming with a smile which I returned.

"What are you talking 'bout?! You were better than me! You too, Katelynn!" I said as Katelynn embraced us in a group hug.

We had been like that for a little while and I was starting to feel a bit squashed, and then I felt another body embrace us. I tried to look at who it was but I could barely turn my head properly to see.

"You guys did so amazing! I'm so proud of you all!!" Ah. Demi.

We all pulled away from the hug and then she hugged us all individually. When she pulled away from me she still had her arm around my waist. I wasn't complaining. It felt amazing and right to be in her embrace. We were all talking about the performances and about the mentoring schedules. I was last for my mentoring session this week. I really couldn't care less about what they were talking about all I really want is to be able to go to Demi's. I've already told Katelynn and Alisa that I was staying at a friend's so they won't be wondering where I am as we all share a room in the big contestant mansion.

After a while Katelynn and Alisa had homework to do so they decided to go back to the mansion which just left Demi and I.

"You ready to go champ?" Demi asked me.

"Hell yeah! Let's go!!" I said grabbing my bag while Demi was standing there laughing at my eagerness.

"I'm glad you're eager. I am too! Just let me get my things." Demi said grabbing my hand and leading me to her dressing room.

I was internally freaking out! We were holding hands! It sent the butterflies wild in my stomach. We got to her dressing room and she unlocked the door still holding my hand while walking in. She got her things and lead me to her car. Oh and not to mention she was still holding mY HAND!! AHHH!! I'm not complaining, anything like this that happens to Demi and I, I won't complain. I love the feeling I get from it and I want it to keep happening.

We had to let go of each other's hands to get in the car. I instantly wanted to feel her hand on mine again. But I soon realised that she had placed her hand on my thigh, which again made my whole body grow warm and my stomach flutter.

~Demi's P.O.V.~

I laughed at her eagerness, but hey I was just as eager to get out of here and spend the night with Ash. I couldn't wait. When she had grabbed her bag and walked back over to where I was I laughed a little bit more and grabbed her hand and lead her to my dressing room. When I grabbed her hand and felt her hand against mine it made my stomach flutter and I wish I could have much more than just a 'friendly' hand holding.

I have finally come to the conclusion that my feelings for Ashley had grown so much and I want to be able to hold her and kiss her whenever I wanted. I want to be able to call her mine, but we would have to keep it a secret in case it ever got to Simon. But who's to say she even feels this way about me. I can't risk our friendship but I also can't have just a friendship. I want more.

One Story, One Message, One Audtition ➵ Demi LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now